
Yeah the VMAs =/= Coachella

Not if he keeps winning the awards they apparently still give out.

Does whatever a Spiderbear… wears?

Avatar/comment synergy +1!

Why do you sue famous celebrities?
"Because that's where the money is."

if we go to war future movies about our war will use Desposito to let the audience know that that part of the movie is about ww3

It can be two things.

"Fetch my avocado" is so… hold?

Only if the Nazi Punks do it first.

Two Millennial stereotypes that taste great together! Avocados & finding new ways to get drunk/high.

The opposite side of the same coin.

The Great Job was us all along!

An Australian term for a pickup truck.

Welp, time to make it the symbol of our entire generation then!

"Is this piece being ironic?"
"I don't even know anymore."

Pepperidge Farm can see the future?

So it's not a bulbous bouffant, you're saying?

No, that was Kris Kross

What part of "doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with barrels" do you not understand?

Oh yeah. I forgot about that.