Quarrelin' Hardy

It will actually kill you if you stay in the room too long.

I'm just happy they dig Mario 2.

Me too! Also excited that Jack Gallagher is too. Their match from the CWC was hilarious and awesome and I look forward to seeing what else they can do.

I'm very impressed by the new Doom - they really did a great job designing the game to benefit aggressive, active play.

Honestly, the Mega Man games are not as hard as people say they are. The only game in the series that's particularly unfair in the 1st, and that's mostly due to some poor design decisions/bugs. If you were able to finish Shovel Knight, you should be able to finish most of the Mega Man games.

And if you replay the story mode with different teams, you can get different character endings and sometimes new cut-scenes between fights, like fighting games used to do!

KOFXIV is definitely getting a lot more play in my PS4 than SFV. It feels good to play a fighting game with actual features again.

I can't help but feel the same way about Metroid: Federation Force as I did about the Xbox 360 Shadowrun. I don't like multiplayer only games, and it's just not what I want from that franchise.

On the topic of Animal Crossing: New Leaf, how exciting is it that they are adding a substantial update with full amiibo support and new content nearly 4 years after its release? That's pretty unheard of, and I can't wait to visit my town again this winter.

I need to go back to Kid Icarus Uprising. I had no idea how much more of the game I had left to play until relatively recently.

I have a weird thing with Axiom Verge where it looks, feels, and sounds like a game I should love but I'm just struggling to get into it. It's too bad, because I really appreciate the effort the designer put into it, and his attempts to work stuff like glitching through levels in the original NES Metroid into the

King of Fighters XIV is going to be my jam this weekend. After a particularly rough past few weeks, I gave myself an extra day off from work for a 4-day weekend, and I plan on spending at least some of that time playing a few rounds of KOF. I'm loving what I've played of it so far; the cast is huge, and has a great

While they're not "funny" names or anything, I have an affinity for Stan Lee names - I believe he said he did it because he was lazy and couldn't remember names, but there's just something I love about the simple alliteration that just makes the names catchy and fun to read/say - Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, Matt

I like Red State a lot too. I think it's a pretty underrated horror movie carried by some really good performances by Michael Parks and John Goodman, and showed Kevin Smith actually trying.

From what I've seen, he does live speaking engagement tours to coincide with a lot of his films. I know that when he released Red State, he had a stop nearby and tickets were something like $80 each. I would bet that he makes some good money on those.

Kevin Smith should just start making YouTube videos instead of movies at this point. It pains me to say that, because I actually do like a lot of his work, but man, does he really seem like he just doesn't care anymore.

Seriously, Mojo Rawley is the worst thing to happen to Zack Ryder.

The upside-down castle was a big deal for me personally. I remember renting the game while staying at friend's for the weekend when I was a teenager. He had a PlayStation and I did not at the time. We thought we beat the game in one weekend, and despite really enjoying the time I had with it, I felt a little

I may need to bust out my copy and bust ou… uh, nevermind…

Yeah, the biggest bombs of the year were stuff like Warcraft, Ben Hur, Star Trek Beyond, and Ghostbusters, if I recall correctly. The superhero movies are the only ones still making big money. The only superhero movie to drastically under-perform this year was X-Men Apocalypse.