Quarrelin' Hardy

Lots of King of Fighters XIV. After being so deeply disappointed in the lack of content Street Fighter V still has 6 months after its release, it's a joy to play a fighting game that feels complete for a change. KOF14's 50 characters, a backdrop for every team, and an actual single player mode with team endings gives

The story I read was that it was Chris Benoit's bag, and it really just sounded like a lame excuse to justify picking on someone they already didn't like.

Doesn't it have something to do with regional laws regarding sporting events that they still have to do some testing in some states?

Seriously, taking on both Golderg and Brock, and coming out the better both times? Guy is a hero.

As Dean said, "Brock's gonna Brock." I know I would be annoyed with him too, and respect that Jericho knocked him down a peg.

I stopped watching SummerSlam before Brock came on, because I just don't care about him anymore. I dug the Suplex City thing when he first starting doing it, but all he seems to be doing now is just legitimately hurting people. I know that they are supposedly planning for that, but it still seems very

The Revival are brilliant. Absolutely brilliant and really don't get enough praise. The creative ways they find to heel it up and cheat always impress me, like Dash "accidentally" falling in the ring.

Ranallo is fine overall. It's David Otunga who really sucks at commentary right now.

I saw a picture of Zendaya from some premier event compared to a panel from Mary Jane's comic debut and I was actually very surprised how similar they looked.

I think that's more of a matter of taste personally. I like the art of Skullgirls but I find of some its animation to be spotty here and there. KOF 13 is pretty damn nice, though.

Damn, GGXrd is a work of magic.

I recall how it actually took a few seconds from when the announcer yells "Fight!" for the game to actually start moving. They did the best they could trying to cram that game on a cart, but it definitely struggled to run properly.

Capcom's 2D games were the best. It's amazing how well the stuff they did during this era holds up to this day. I have so many fond memories of playing Alpha 2 (I even got the SNES port!) and even more time sunk into Alpha 3. Street Fighter 3 still hasn't been beat for animation quality in a 2D game all these years

This hell pit keeps sounding more fun!

It's still there. Covered in Suicide Squad merchandise.

Oh man, I liked Prometheus too. Can I join the secret club as well?

I really enjoyed it. So did my wife, who seemed to enjoy it even more than I did. I'll probably watch it again!

I have some friends who LOVE Batman v Superman. I still can't bring myself to even rent the thing.

It's a small New England chain called Chunky's that only has three locations between Massachusetts and New Hampshire, with a forth location on the way.

I'm going to a 9 am breakfast showing at a local movie theater/restaurant chain. It's the cheapest option available and I can gorge myself with chicken and waffles and Bloody Mary's if the movie sucks.