Quarrelin' Hardy

The barrel even has Up and Down arrows all over it!

It's my second favorite behind Bronson.

It was actually something that was in place from the beginning of the series, but Sega of America nixed it. Sonic was originally supposed to have a human girlfriend named Madonna in the first game!

Congrats! I still haven't beat it, and I've had it for 23 years (oooof…). In fairness, though, it's not like I've tried in a long time.

I remember playing a lot of it - I think it gets such a raw deal because it was very obviously not designed by the typical Sonic Team, which kind of made everything feel a little different or off. I still enjoyed it, though.

Yep. Metal Sonic debuted a good year before Knuckles did.

I've loved every movie I've seen from Nicolas Winding Refn. I can't wait to see this, but I probably will have to because I doubt anywhere around me will be showing it.

I would definitely agree with that. Someone getting violent in real life over a minor character design change obviously has some greater issues going on. I find it sad and not entertaining in the least.

Last I recall, Chris-Chan is some weird internet personality that was vandalizing Sonic Boom displays at Gamestop stores because Sonic's arms were redesigned to be blue. They then proceeded to pepper-spray a Gamestop employee when they tried to kick them out of the store. I'm not making this up.

You could really tell that Sonic 3 + Knuckles was what the game was intended to be in the first place. The whole is much greater than its parts.

I've seen the Sonic 3 barrel become a meme over the past couple years over how obtuse and difficult it is, but I played Sonic 3 as a teen when it first came out and I don't recall it ever being an issue. Maybe kids' today just aren't familiar with 8/16-Bit video game logic?

Coldsteel the Hedgehog is probably my favorite weird Sonic fan-art. It really drives home the awkwardness of Sonic's early teen fan-base. People have even made custom Coldsteel amiibos! (I'll be honest, I named by Sonic amiibo that when loading him into Smash).

At least in his case, 20 is a lot closer to a teenager than 28 is, and he really does look like a kid. Though the older I get, the more I can't tell the difference between 17-20 year old kids.

I'm glad Patrick referenced the bad music of the Sonic DS RPG. It wasn't even only the music that was bad; I was really struck by how awful the sound effects were, too. I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt that way.

At best, he seemed like he was maybe just out of college.

He was, actually. So was Andrew Garfield in the reboot.

He is violent and sadistic, and blames the Gods for mistakes he made, and lashes out at everything around him. From playing all the main entries, the impression I always got from the first game was that you were supposed to think he was badass and cool at the start, until you learn that he's the one responsible for

The boys in the Final Fantasy 15 trailer. They've got style!

The Xbox Scorpio has the best pixels. The most beautiful pixels you have ever seen.

What the hell? Did he only see a promotional still of Blade Runner or something?