Quarrelin' Hardy

Yes, and for 5 more years in fact!


If they truly hated it they would have adopted a more traditional schedule by now.

Also, the Freemium Isn't Free episode is right on the money, according to my friends' who have worked in the video game industry.

Yeah, there was a span of about 3 or 4 seasons around that time where they had a lot of episodes that definitely had a Libertarian bent. I'm kind of middle of the road politically in a lot of things so it didn't really bother me, but I could see how it would for others. That being said though there were a few episodes

They really have cooled it quite a bit on the Libertarian politics, and haven't really gotten too deep into that area in a long time. I can kind of tell who hasn't watched South Park recently by how much they complain about that aspect of it.

I could watch seasons of Stan's Dad. Randy is now a better Homer Simpson than Homer Simpson.

Good for them. I'm glad their silly cartoon is getting to stay on the air even longer, and that they're still enjoying themselves making it. Looking forward to the next game, too!

Was every day at school clobberin' time?

I've been playing mostly games from 2014 and older this year. I don't know what it is but a lot of the new releases aren't really grabbing me. I'm not sure Bloodborne is really my style - it's well made and a challenge but to make progress I feel like I have to grind the same areas repeatedly to be strong enough to

But even with Anonymous GM, they still had Michael Cole as his mouthpiece for awhile, making it a defacto heel.

Will anyone give a shit in 10 more years about the Dukes of Hazzard?

Well, it's not like they're CGing it off of old episodes.

I really miss more traditional, realistic authority figures, like "WWF President" Jack Tunney or Gorilla Monsoon when he took over that role. Used sparringly, it seemed important when they showed up publically, and it actually felt like there was a REAL central figure running the place, not just a bunch of cartoon

The fact that Square announced a Nier 2 with the original director but Platinum Games handling development made the Square presser a secret win for me.

I give a fuck about muppet Reggies. 3 in fact.

I noticed that! They never even come close to showing the roof of the car.

I like the idea of using the main character's switching between normal proportioned characters and SD proportions as a gameplay mechanic.

I don't understand the recent drumbeat of "nostalgia is bad" lately. Looking back fondly on old video games hasn't prevented me from doing anything in my life.

What makes matters worse in some cases is that many game companies don't even preserve their own code. For example, the Silent Hill HD Collection from a few years back. Konami LOST most of their Silent Hill 2 code and assets, and had to scrape together some crap to fill in the blanks.