
Oof. I’d dealt with similar at Rhode-Island Comic Con a while back, but even that can’t match this in sheer numbers.

Holy crap. And I already had difficulty choosing between finally having an Xfinity Series event with no Cup drivers and having another round at Sebring. I love these roundups every weekend; there’s pretty much always tons of other awesome stuff I almost missed like the Myrtle Beach race.

As someone severely cynophobic, I greatly appreciate that stuff like this gets out there so that there’s less to be afraid of. This sort of thing gets skimmed over way too often. Thank you for sharing it!

Y’know, I’ve been watching a good deal of events today and starting to wonder why it was I cared about motorsports again, and then this beauty shows up on my screen. I am very, very grateful such beautiful ridiculousness can succeed in rally.

I thought this had already been in place for a while; my recent review of DLC for a NASCAR game that I won in a contest was the sole review on the page but the overall game score was left blank.

Intended joke aside, the title does make it seem like the article’s debunking the existence of the mod.

I love NASCAR and I don’t personally see this as too big a loss. If they’re struggling to get crowds in person, I’d sure as hell agree a lot of people with kids or that are older or just haven’t been to a race yet consider the volume a major factor in it. I love the sound, but the same sound being ever so slightly

Having had to manually repair a post-warranty Wii just to get a few saves off of it, they’ve definitely completely lost me if they’re sticking with this.

I love Boston. I respect a good few friends of mine that are the low-key type of Pats fans. But dear lord, the sheer vitriol and arrogance of the fanbase is just insufferable, when it’s not completely cult-like. My high school back in the day had a display case full of taxidermied animals that were other team’s

I’m going through DX:HR for about the fourth time. It’s still as fresh and exciting and immersive as the first three times! On the fence about Mankind Divided, but I’m hearing really, really abysmal things about the DLC.

That reminds me of the broken Sega 32X my household had. Only years later did I learn I was the one that broke it by shoving coins in the vent slots. (Insert “insert coin” joke here.)

They’d have a shot of selling more Macans, though. People who want to buy a car that’s already fast and prestigious in genuine stock form aren’t gonna be won over much by seeing more of the same; it’s adding racing prestige on top of a plain vehicle that makes it prestigious by association, with none of the hassle of

Steel tube frames covered up in a body chosen by the manufacturer purely for aesthetic/marketing reasons? I’d say they’d stop when it stops being kinda how touring cars worldwide work.

It’s a mod downloaded off of the internet for a game engine made in 2005 for a niche market of simulator enthusiasts. It was never intended for such a showcase and it shows. Painfully.

Hey, it got headlines, didn’t it?

The Monster Energy Cup is an existent Supercross event.

Really, really not a fan of fanservice. If it’s subtle and occasional, sure, fine. But far too often, it’s a crutch for uninteresting shows or an unwelcome intrusion into something that was otherwise good. It’s a distracting nuisance if you’re not the target audience for it, and the sheer omnipresence of it now has

Wonder how this’ll affect RUF after years of being the go-to backup.