
There are a few of those wacky effects involved in kills as well. The best being a dog squeaky toy when a limpet goes off for a kill. :)

I hope things get better mate for you mate :)

Performing mouthification on a Jedi could indeed cause mouth babies..Or so I’ve heard..

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There’s lots of ways that Jacen could have been concieved, the Jedi are a pretty freaky bunch..

The lemons are cursed!

I think it’s worth noting that most of these vids are talking about these guns on PC. On consoles they have far more recoil and act very different, the Assault smg 08/18 for example.

Turok 1&2 on Xbox??? As in remastered? Do I get to use those funky controls again?

Reading what you wrote reminded me that there are still smart people out there. Please don’t change.

Hey now, you keep that well spoken, common sense bullshit to yourself! ;)

I’ve noticed that the earlier figures had a consistent amount of detail compared to how prototypes looked. Over the years, as they have grown immensely more popular, detail has had to suffer to produce more.

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If only they had just used the disclaimer from Beavis and Butthead then everything would be ok. Fire! Fire!

Hey now, those are perfectly cromulent words.

That wasn’t him.

Hey Nintendo:

But there’s a lot of them, and God knows no one would ever eat lil Seabass..

Does that make Chewbacca Lil Sebastian?

People don’t give enough credit. It’s like Tiny Toons the next generation. And some of the jokes are so stupid-funny you’d have to be cold and dead to not smile.

I pictured this scene from Akira..

He is supposed to be Ryu or Kazuya? If it’s Kazuya doesn’t he need a big distinctive scar across his chest? And also, boy I’m fat.

Oh my God I had completely repressed that memory.