
Fuck. Off.

The Jewish Space Laser has been around forever. It’s also Canadian.

This gave me a new idea: Frunks for gas-powered cars, specifically to keep pizzas warm. I’m sure you could get 2 or 3 inches of vertical space just by taking off those plastic covers you have on every modern engine. Then just make a little liner and it’s a perfect place to put your pizzas while you drive home.

We shouldn’t be praising anyone for being in the Israeli Armed Forces, let alone the desensitizing nature of having served.

“I’m Jewish, so I know the pain of discrimination. I’m from a broken home, so I understand latchkey kids and the importance of family. My father was bankrupt 3 times and is now in jail and my father in law was in jail for years. I lost my job in 2021 and my husband can’t pay the mortgage on his business. My

Yes, those tubes are ammo. These absurd little things were built for French paratroopers in the late 50s, and were actually used.  The idea was to quickly transport the weapon to the frontlines, then mount it to a tripod.  Although I’m not aware of it actually happening, it’s technically possible to shoot it while

Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight.

I cannot properly express how much I want to read this fucking asshole’s obituary. 

I’m not outraged or anything either. Just pointing out it’s probably a good general rule that if you have to clarify that something you said wasn’t actually homophobic, but just advocating for rape, for at least couple of reasons I can think of, that statement probably wasn’t worth saying and probably isn’t worth

Now do the names of all the black aborted babies...

I’m terrified that next year we’ll have a gazillion unwanted babies because parents were too lazy to order condoms online.

The dog food aisle? That's every aisle to my dog.

“...glib cruelty”

Replace Neil deGrasse Tyson with Janna Levin, and you’ve got yourself a stew going.

Looks like a good time. I definitely want to watch a Lemons race sometime soon. Anyone planning to attend the March 28th-29th race at Nola?

Astley’s Northern Hop Lager

On Fox News on Monday night, Michael Knowles, a conservative troll and Daily Wire podcast host, described Thunberg as a “mentally ill Swedish child” who is “being exploited by her parents and by the international left.” Then there’s John Nolte of Breitbart, who calls supporters of Thunberg “Gretards” and recently muse

I was actually surprised by this as this is a yearly trip for her and she always just brought a Tupperware tub and a measuring cup.

I remember Entertainment Weekly talking about the scene with the heads in cases screaming. "The record for staying awake is 11 days straight. I'm pretty sure I broke that the first time I saw this scene."