
Keep her interest~ Get her playing on PC with levels and maps etc!

People are impatient...and idiots...:V

Didn’t really know the online versions where corrected! D: I knew about Key having the wrong lyrics...I can’t unhear it either...

The whole HMO is amazing, love the take on Nice Age, Technopolis and Rydeen!

Blinx 2:

That’s what I thought it was at first too but then it happened to Azazel...but I had used him and beaten it before...so...yeah =/ Confused at the time...should be all good now with the update though

..and the missing save files? Oh wait...

same...happened many times for me :(

I was gonna say haha- already unlocked it though a long time ago...and it was trying lost runs that put me off the game for a bit...Afterbirth has bought new life into the game though! :D

You have to beat the..."new boss"...to unlock The Lost now? D:

Ah thank you! :D

That's lame... =/ if you reload though it should start from the same floor...but it just crashes again if you try.

Clever pun! :D It worked with Azazel once...I think it was in normal womb- the times with crashes have been in the scarred womb variant... hmmmm

Can they fix some of the bugs at least? Some of the new ones are...game breaking to say the least. As in- game freezing completely trying to get to...a new boss. (The blue room...anybody who knows what I'm taking will get it!) ..Azazel and Lilith both froze for me trying to get there...


Actually the Buffalo ones are high quality and imported from Japan. These are not your $5 knockoffs by ANY means!

I have the Famicom Buffalo controller! Awesome lil' thing, has the extra buttons on it too for things like SNES emulation, not only that but hardware based Turbo! :D

Bleh...enough trying to be creative for me then...

PUhahahaha...look at all those nerds

Something I've been using for years! Such a helpful shortcut~ ..to be honest I rarely ever use the recycle bin anymore and just delete things straight away.