
...I'm not going to judge :D

Could have at least posted a screen close-up of said stubble.

Potatoes are gross. :I

Toy Story 2 PSX game was awesome, playing as Buzz Lightyear and going about life-sized levels doing toy like things was good times...~ :D

No extras? Not even a Teddy~? =/

So long as the $$$ keeps rolling in they don't give a shit about quality!

Hello bearded man! :D

Pantsu Pantsu Pantsu!

Is it me...or does everything looks so....dark...in those shots...Dingy is a good word.

Ugh...the only PWC news is negative thanks to those losers :(

Jesus has it really been 10 years?

For me it's flash based video players that I only really "use" flash for now. Things like CrunchyRoll, or Uanime.


AAAA came to post the exact same thing :D

Okay: Hard-core Christians then :P

Something new in science discovered- religious nuts will claim was made by God.

My friend down the road- his dogs love ice cubes! Can get a couple out his freezer, chuck them on the floor and they go mad, chase them about and lick/crunch them.

So...Banished then? :P

It's a good cover! :D

Rofl Pet Shot Boys- is that bad I knew from the second it started what the music was?