
You and me both!

Cookie Crunch is nom- especially without milk!

The last bit :(

Too late now, the damage has been done years ago...

Yeah...the second half? My life :(

I actually misread the title as "Lowering hanging Pants" and came here just to comment that :D

Then it would just look like an UGLY NES...the console on it's own was ugly anyway :P


Women lie too!

Looking forward to a new set of levels, so this should be nice!

But there is no feeling...no feels...it's all just a copy of a copy of a copy

It's still programmed though :P

Computers can't replicate human creativity...no way.

Sorry but it’s not going to beat player/designer created levels.

...only if beta is getting released too will I be getting the CD~

As of this comment all will be sold out in about....a day...?

I think because it was streamed, and he was speaking too probably helps- have some faith in these people!

More credible than North Koreas wonder drug that's for sure :P

There is a gamer who plays and completes games blind- including the Oddworld games!

Perhaps they should hand in the towel and focus on other things...can you imagine a handheld by Micr- no...actually no...don't. D: