

In all honesty I’d be after a new Wii-U at this point, we’ll see for the future..~

HA Good job I've been waiting then!

..hell remember DEMO DISCS? Back on game magazines...Official Playstation mag for example!

If there is a Demo I would gladly, shame nobody in the immediate area I know has a Wii-U so...would have to try before I buy kinda thing :P

Don't forget blue! Gotta show the Smurfs so loving too!

Good to know I guess- if I were to get it though highly likely I'll keep my distance from ranked :P

PC Engine was an interesting lil' thing- never owned one or played many games but from what I've seen and watched online, it was like a half-way point between 8 bit and 16 bit at the time. Early arcade'y graphics but with a sound more akin to the Master system /Game Gear

You're on the right track! It's a gag from South Park, originally from an episode when people from the future come to the past to get a better life, and end up taking everybody's jobs. It becomes a running line in the episode and makes an appearance in others too C:

+4. You never know what state it has been left it since the last person went in.

Yeah, many of them looked fun! A mixed range too instead of RAAWR HD REMAKE AAARRGH SHOOTING ASASFFGDDFASF ANGRY MEN :V


The marketing too was...kinda silly :P 64 bits...really? xD

So bad you had to post twice? :P

Doom was built on NeXT :P Not so useless now eh?

As somewhat disappointing the overall thing was- (Mario Maker was really only what I enjoyed) the how puppet thing got some giggles out of me, and kept up the fun aspect :P

Also acts as a laxative! :D

...shame they can't grasp back Crash Bandicoot :(

Same for me- LBP2 clung to that “game” an even though the power was there- people still made amazing levels. The story was great too!

I guess it’s a shame I missed out on some nifty things- but the more complex the creations got by others, the more intimidated I was at the prospect of releasing or even making things myself...