
This is the best looking Ferrari from 1996-2008. This is a beautiful car.

This is a very good looking car and design. I would not say it is pretty I would say it is handsome as handsome better fits the agressive lines, and agression has masculine connotations in American culture.

I’d get a Viper if I had the money, but it would not be the first or second car I would get, it would be something like a 6th, 7th, or 8th car. And, I’ll never have Viper money to begin with.

Maybe you should have tried the hard trail for your Hummer. In the video it looked like it did not struggle on anything you did, but it is a Hummer so I suppose that is the point.

Maybe the wings are the Ion engines. Why else would they have the wings? No other Star Wars space craft has that amount of heat rejection needs. If you make the wings the Ion engines they now have a purpose for actually existing besides making the craft a bigger target to shoot. Each wing provides variable thrust in

It is really hard to find a clean one of these.

At the least it was water cooled. Some cars of that era were air cooled.

I don’t know what kind of public bus you are riding on but all the busses I’ve been on were kept at ~10 F even on the hottest summer days.

Any McIntyre. Firstly it has an air-cooled engine, so it will overheat sitting in traffic. Secondly, the car is open to the elements so you are breathing the fumes from all the other cars. Thirdly, when you have to turn the motor off to prevent overheating you will need to get out of the car in traffic to restart the

Ending production of the Viper will cement it as one of the legendary great cars of this era, while the Corvette and 911 will just be an old person's retirement car and a rich snob's squashed beetle.

I just want to let VW know I am available for the job of Head of Volkswagen North America.

Like referencing Jeremy Clarkson?

It they can sell the S-FR in the U.S. for $14,915 it will be in a whole different price range compared to the $24,915 MX-5, $25,395 BRZ, and $26,100 FR-S.

Honestly I think the performance should be fine (better than good). It will be faster than anything in its price range and more fun. Also, a bigger engine would require a bigger engine bay, increase front mass, raise the hood and cowl height, and use more fuel.

This is great news. I could afford this car! A Miata is very far out of my price range.

2nd Gear: Chevrolet is likely to benifit from VW’s decline because they have the Cruze diesel where VW is the only other competitor in that segment.

Is this an analog GPS display. It tells you what shape your next turn is by highlighting the appropriate section on the right, and the Pig lights up when your turn is within 570m. And I am guessing the arrow spins at the turn. [It appears I should finish the paragraph before I respond.]

The 800 is my favorite Toyota, so if this comes to the U.S. they can have my money.

The last time I got gas in New Jersey I got out of my car and pumped my own gas. (I had no clue there was a law.) No one said anything either. I got out, wondered why the place was so busy, swiped my credit card, filled the tank, and left.

The plan shortyoh described is freaking amazing.