
I am a horrible person about to do the exact thing you said not to do... but see, I kinda want a pass, because I don't consider eggplant the way my grandmother prepares it to actually be eggplant? Humor me?

omg...big sister/former babysitter here, flooded with All The Feelings reading about what happened with your brother. I am so sorry that you went through that. It wasn't your fault.

"All of the true things that I am about to tell you are shameless lies."

Now I want to read your autobiography.

What is something you learned recently that surprised you?

Oh, I think I see what you're saying. Sorry for misunderstanding.

Re: This is rape culture... the idea that Real Men cannot be rape-raped — I would say it's more the idea that being raped reduces a man to the status of a woman.

Huh, I thought it was kind of perfect actually. Like a perfectly synchronized mesh of Joan's thing* and Jimmy's cracking and blushing thing.

I'm curious about what music of theirs you've heard/where you've heard it. Not in a snarky way, just wondering. I don't think I've ever heard their music before.

Gah. All the comments about her request for no more than three new course preps per year as an indication that she's not a good fit for this college. I mean, I don't want to push my opinions on other folks, but Janelle Monae thinks you're wrong, so...

I don't think the perks she asked for suggest she's not a fit for Nazareth's culture, unless Nazareth's culture is to hire people in tenure track positions without any intention of actually ever granting anyone tenure. These perks are about securing tenure, not a reluctance to be at a small teaching-centered college.

Do your other faculty have more than three new class preps per year?

Even more than all around colorblind casting, would love to see a reimagining focused on a Native American version of the Darling family.

Your concept already sounds a billion times more interesting than this studio project that has likely been in the works for eons. Especially the bit about a "Cree Wendy"? Yes plz.

I could see that in a really specific set of circumstances, but suspect this is a case of misguided pet stewardship at best. Just saw this in the original article:

Cool, thanks. Next time I got Photoshop problems, I'm lookin fer you*

Thanks. Yeah, I could see it. Left arm position + sloppy masking thinning an already naturally long and slender arm but not thinning the hand that's not against white background = very unusual looking arm

Yay, Jenna! I didn't ever comment when you wrote for Jezebel (and barely comment now), but have always enjoyed your writing.

Are you saying that bad masking could explain the crazy-elongated arm on the right side of the image? Not asking in a snarky way, just curious.