
It depends on what "the nutritional science" is saying though (or well, since "the science" can't talk, maybe influential scientists, or influential papers, or popular interpretations, etc.)


I didn't say that you were Christian or that you celebrate Christmas, and actually didn't mean to suggest that was a condition for what I was saying at all. But I see how it could come across that I was implying that you personally were Christian or something; sorry about that.

Is there something you disagree with in what I said?

So I mean the description of your co-worker's story about violence in Pakistan and Afghanistan and bloodlines and whatnot sounds pretty wacky.

Does your office have a Christmas party rather than a holiday party?

Bleh, sucks that you are going through that. You have my sympathies for sure.


That wp article is kind of confusing, but where it says "Tel Aviv-Jaffa (since 1950)", I think they mean the merger of Tel Aviv and Jaffa (into the city of "Tel Aviv") in 1950.

" the third quarter, “The Kelly File, “On The Record” and “Hannity” – all holding forth in new time slots – have increased viewership in audience between the ages of 25 and 54 in the double-digit percentage range: “Kelly File” and “On The Record,” scheduled at 9 p.m. and 7 p.m., respectively, have seen those

It could be related to Nielsen not having fully implemented their capture of online streaming yet. Nielsen is showing Kelly's audience specifically within the 25-54 age groupas more than Morgan + Maddow too, but maybe people who watch Morgan and Maddow are also much more likely to be watching via Roku, etc.

Civil marriage is different from religious marriage. The procedures for securing a civil marriage are often performed in tandem with a religious rite, sure, but you are not legally, civilly married unless the legal procedures for civil marriage are met, and you do not need a religious rite to get civilly married.

What do you expect them to do, throw it out the window because some people want to change the fundamental Catholic definition of marriage from a permanent, fruitful and blessed bond between a man and a woman to being whatever it is that two consenting adults say it is?

but you're gonna watch it, right?

Dietary supplements that are legally sold are regulated — not as drugs, but as food. Food safety regulations could be better, for sure, but it's not any dumber for people to use legal dietary supplements than it is to use other legal food products. We can consume food (and supplements, and cosmetics, and cleaning

Yesssss. It's like we were separated at researcher birth.

I don't know if it makes sense to reply to a long dead thread, but it sounds like we pretty much agree. I also completely agree about the over-reliance on p values.

Wow, Sugar Bear looks so different through the lens of adulthood.

I totally agree that they should have just given her another number. When it's easy to accommodate different cultural practices, as this is, I tend to think it should be done.

Um wow, that was a really long response...