
His face is at the top of this post, and I guarantee you that if you lined him and four other handsome in a generic way white dudes of approximately the same age in front of me right now that I would probably have slightly better than a 50 percent chance of identifying him.

I’m not an actor, but I think his sense of insecurity is probably at least partially warranted. Not because we associate his face with this stupid ad. But because casting directors may balk at the implicit association. Given that being the type of commercial actor this guy is requires the advanced skills of being

“Dear Salty, why does human nature exist and why doesn’t it consistently cater to my insecurities?”


Let people enjoy things you do not enjoy.

Yeah, the dude from Holland explaining the history and culture behind shit talking assholes is definitely racist. Did you even read the whole thing he said? Don't be a trashcan American, and if you aren't, don't act like one 

This is the “I can’t afford a track day, so I street race” argument with more steps

Apologies for not having much to say about the review, but AAAHHH THE SITE LAYOUT IS REVERSED AND IT FREAKS ME OUT

Am I being petty?

“This isn’t a huge deal; guys usually pay for dates, and it’s probably habit to just give the bill to the guy.”

If you haven’t experienced the 22 minute time loop, you haven’t played more than an hour. (the first time loop starts after you leave the museum I believe.) The first time I woke up and had the launch code...I knew something was up. Second time it all made sense.

Now with snark. HE GIVES HER THE KEYS TO THE SUV, BUT SHE RUNS TO THE TRUCK!! OK Karen you can’t start the truck with the SUV keys...

What I don’t get is how this woman claims getting the bike “changed her.” There is no visible way in which she has changed over the year. She was already thin and toned. I guess she just gets up earlier now?

My people tried to get me to do The Oprah Winfrey show years ago and her people wanted me to write down 5 reasons why I loved her and her show… I said f—- that and her. End of story.

My people tried to get me to do The Oprah Winfrey show years ago and her people wanted me to write down 5 reasons why I loved her and her show… I said f—- that and her. End of story.

They are bitter about the weather, the fact that all the jobs left and that their college football will never be as good as that of the SEC.

I’m beginning to think he just hates women.


Meehhh, this is half-true and a bit misleading in the wording. They’re not “meant to” do anything. While it’s true THC does seem to boost the effects of CBD, CBD without THC doesn’t have a “drastically different” or worse effect, just a weaker one. And it also doesn’t mean “more THC = better CBD” -- you can have a

Guy out in Florida was riding around with his girlfriend’s body in his trunk. Her death could have been prevented if police took the 17 times they were called to the house seriously.