
“Oh yeah?...Well what about Benghazi?!?!”

Chill out bruh. Sharknado 4 is on.

I used to read this when my parents forced me to go to church, knowing I was an atheist. Bonus: it looks like a bible!

This is the best correction comment I’ve ever gotten.

Read this while listening to the new Missy and I am just filled to the brim with black girl magic right now.

Small typo in the second Start Menu paragraph: “ver yeasy” should read “very Yeezy”.

Who is going to be the first to run into the theatre, and shout, “Alright, Let’s do this!” and then run around the seats yelling “Lerroooyyy Jennnnnkinnnnnns”.

You win sir. I have to laugh at the conceit that Han Solo has become the Jedi’s “Saul of Tarsus” and will now go out into deep space and write the Gospels of the Jedi order.

Who has laser hair?

It’s like carrying Elvis dead on the toilet around your neck.

Come on over?!?

We also have punch and pie on every street corner.

My wild theory:

The other two countries the bot visited were both in the first world.

A parsec is a measure of distance. That’s like saying “..can he make the run in less than 12 miles?” That always irked me.

Because you are a “darkside” of the “moon” lover.

It’s also to me an affirmation of what the human race can achieve when we pull together and collectively look toward the future with hope and curiosity. It’s not about answering great questions as much as finding greater questions to answer.