
Thank you I thought I noticed snark too as I scanned that story.

It’s 2020. We all day-drink down here!

Oh, God, me too. Our cats are strictly inside but once, when they were kittens, Peanut got out into the hall and was taken in by our next door apartment neighbor. I looked all over, went out into the lobby because I could hear faint mewing, and she opened her door and he scampered out. She loved him and was sorry to

I was charged with pet sitting my sister’s menagerie the night before her wedding. Her damn cat got out, causing an emotion somewhere between panic and utter hysteria. After two hours of searching the cat showed up in the garage, sitting on the washing machine. We spent the rest of the wedding weekend with all the

A useful way of looking at dilemmas like this is realizing that the other person also deserves the same unconditional love and happiness you feel you’re lacking, and if you’re not the person to give it to them, it’s better in the long run for both of you to move on. “Living a lie” is absolutely a thing, and not a good

To the asker- my marriage ended last year when I finally came to terms with the fact that I am a massive lesbian. It was hard and impossible but, here I am, a year later. Surviving was hard, and knowing how much my exhusband was hurt was so hard. But it was the right choice and I firmly believe you’re going to do the

To me, the key is to enjoy your own company to the extent that you don’t actually need or even necessarily want another person.

Every Jew out here cringing at “proud” and “magnificent.” Oy. But good on Mr. Cannon for his conciliatory comments. I never thought they were that bad and certainly never took them personally - why wouldn’t Black people feel that way? 

We tend believe that a break up always has a dumper and a dumpee, and that the dumpee gets to be hurt and sad but the dumper is supposed to be happy or something. But that’s silly. Everyone gets to mourn the relationship they intended to have, that they thought would be their forever. You get to be sad about the

This morning, one of my cats went missing inside my apartment and didn’t even come out when I shook the treat container. I was near tears with worry. (A few minutes later he appeared sitting casually on my bed. Still don’t have a damned clue where he could have gone off to as I thought I checked everywhere.) Having a


“There’s a cost to everything”

I felt there was heartfelt sincerity in his apologies. If anyone can open the eyes of someone it’s a Rabbi.

These photos were taken as they arrived at Box 24 photography studio in Venice. It’s not for sale and it’s not a private residence.

Defend Hotep Nick? No. Point out the hypocrisy of Viacom/CBS wanting to keep The Wild N Out brand that he created and helped make successful & profitable? Hell yes. Oh do I also need to point out that CBS had no issue keeping Les Moonves employed for years despite his issues with sexual harassment and his desire to

Hopefully this changes the reactions because black people co-signing Nick’s BS was almost getting to the point of forcing me to co-sign Terry Crews’ BS.

Dude went full Yacub. You never go full Yacub

All of y’all who defended Hotep Nick, I got some coupons for CVS brand IcyHot to put on your sores where the When Keeping It Real Goes Too Far backtrack bus ran you over. I keep telling y’all that these damn celebrities aren’t the vanguards of the community and you need to stop treating them as such.

Good points, it’s probably someone less under the spotlight then. 

I’m fairly certain corn didn’t look quite so plump at that time yet. That could be a type of grain.