
Hi two comments account.

Weinstein still harassed Paltrow and she was not only a child of Hollywood aristocrats, but her godfather was Steven Spielberg ... Famous connected family isn’t much protection.

I know that FB is a communication tool for a lot of people, but honestly this whole parsing and binning and setting permissions, and checking them and managing them and turning things on and off ... and then seeming like every time they did a version update they defaulted accounts back to some general status and

unfollow and “acquaintance” are tools that i heartily recommend. unfriending can sometimes start social static, but unfollow/acquaintance, and they never know they are gone. its the “fist of the north star” method of online sanity saving.

Hunh, someone who married Mariah Carey and wears turbans has wild ideas and no sense of self-preservation?! Smh

I’m sure the nepotism plays into the fact that the parents have been abused as well, the producers and directors have been able to gaslight these victims their whole lives, now they’ll prey on their children. These abusers are vile people and they know how to groom and target.

former Atlanta A&T percussionist Nick Cannon

I feel like this argument is a deflection. Everything in it is correct- however, Viacom didn’t (or at lease didn’t say) they fired him because of the anti-white shit. It was because of the antisemitism. And that isn’t just words, that’s stuff that actively hurts and provokes violence against Jewish people.

I used to do this all the time when I was younger in the pre-social media era, and was thinking about starting it up again. 100% agree with you on the benefits. It’s harder to find the time as an adult, though.

You can also post something, then disable notifications for the post. The same goes for Reddit. This way, you can still get your two cents in without being dragged into a 5 hour long argument with a brick wall.

You know if some other country started shooting and bombing us - we’d pull out all the stops to protect ourselves. Cost be damned. Warbonds and whatever it took to keep things functioning and to protect our country.

Just delete Facebook. I know it’s hard to keep in touch people with your phone, though.

I’ve spent all day in an argument with a redditor over whether the lack of covid-19 testing in america is a political issue and I should have just done this. Thank you for this reminder.

It’s funny reading Milla’s comments about having reservations about letting her daughter getting into show business. Given how prevalent nepotism is in Hollywood, that would make her unique. But I’d be shocked if her daughter didn’t follow in her footsteps as a model/actor.

For years, we’ve all been trying to quit Facebook.

I wonder if they interviewed Tatum O’Neal for this.  You wanna talk about a messed up child hood.  When she got nominated for an Oscar, and her father didn’t (for Paper Moon) he punched her.  She subsequently went to the Oscars (where she won) alone.  Neither of her parents went.  Ryan O’Neal is such garbage.  

I was struck at the opening credits statistic. The amount of people (I think it said 20,000?) come every year to LA to peddle their children, and how 95% of them don’t get hired. The ones that do get hired, pay a heavy price.

And that sucks. Really, it does. Those students deserve the least restrictive environment for their education. But we are so way beyond anything manageable at this point that it is impossible for that to happen for them right now.

I expect that all but the most isolated rural schools will be shut down within 60 days. My wife already has Fridays off. Maybe I can get my work shifted to take Tuesdays or Wednesdays off and provide some adult supervised at home teaching 3-4 days a week.