
This.  Skip to the bottom.  NP it is.

Did not even read the details and clicked NP. LOVE these things!

See also, Gizmodo.

They made a law here in OK where the DMV comes after you, the seller, when the registration lapses. It makes those of us who know of it very afraid of private party sale. They are notorious for license suspensions with no notice, that is until your current car gets impounded.  Then you get to explain to a judge you

This is the worst excuse I’ve ever heard.

You can’t win them all.

Get Your Damn Recalls Done!”

The reviews seem to boil down to calling the GT350 the enthusiast’s choice and the 500 the batshit bonkers but fun choice.

I didn’t say 50% more efficient. That would be the inverse. So comparing a Model x to a Toyota Sienna for example which are very comparable models, the Model X is in the ball park of 3 times as efficient on a raw basis. So we could say that means only 300 TWh of new generation capacity. I’m not sure that really moves

Also, “These are people who want to work, so why not put as many of them to work as you possibly can, building out and managing the construction of an updated power grid.”

The calculation of electricity demand is pretty far off. California currently uses about 3.7 quadrillion BTU of energy for transportation fuel per year. Translating directly to MWh of electricity, the same amount of energy would be just over 1 trillion MWh of new generation required per year. If we assume EVs are 50%

Have you seen how hard it is to get approval to build anything in CA, let alone a new power plant or trans lines?

something as simple as updating the electricity grid infrastructure

California is ‘led’ by virtue signaling corporatists committed to graft in many sectors - land development, HSR and now this nonsense.

I see at least two issues here.

“He died flying his Porsche” is a fantastic conversation starter; NP for immortality.

I mean, it’s an inherently terrible argument. Fortnite isn’t in any way an essential. It’s a luxury. You don’t need access to a luxury all the time. Further, that access was cut off by Epic’s actions, and Epic could readily reinstate that access. Then you get the “payment system” argument; given an option to pay less

And yet, on Android, I cannot make Google Voice my default messaging app.  smh.

Now playing

large majority of protests have taken place in the United States, where racist sentiment is prevalent.” Oh my. Prove that. Show me on a map where racist sentiment is prevalent in the United States. That is your opinion. There are millions of Blacks and Hispanics and Native Americans and Caucasians that get along just

Who the fuck would want Facebook Messenger as their SMS handler?