
Maybe let people decide that on their own, eh?

They have a 7.6% market share in the non mobile market.  By any measure that is not big.  Revenue and market share are completely separate and its insane that people can’t grasp that.

If you sign an agreement to pay 30% and then violate that agreement on their own platform, after you hid it in the update, it’s clearly a backdoor. 

Giz is all over the place here as they struggle to post as much click bait as possible as fast as possible. They have vacillated on this issue over and over and still fail to get the critical points across.

Unless you want to make Apple a public utility, its a little ridiculous to call them out. You don’t have to like Apple, their 30% cut or anything else they do. However, it is their product, their app store, and their policies that these companies agreed too. To underhandedly sneak in the backdoor solution that Epic

Do women still fall for these kinds of guys out there? I still can’t fathom what enables that kind of behavior so we have ANOTHER generation of men growing up with the kind of notion that the only thing a woman wants is to be categorized by her appearance.

Internet is currently worthless for info on older Broncos. Besides having 31 years of sales (Jeep acts like its a blip on the market) it seems to have sold nearly as many as Jeep claims to have sold over the years. Maybe Jeep sold more with 6 million but the Bronco was no slouch. Several million were sold over the

Its like a terrible cross between a viper and a gt500.

Every time I see an article like this it reminds me how damn cheap motorcycles are.

Those wheels are awful.

Designed and put to market are completely different things. Nearly every recent vaporware was “headed by” or “lead by” or “hired to lead” someone famous from other auto industry segment.

But wouldn’t it be better to dive into an activity with old garbage that won’t teach any decent technique, break all the time and therefore lose interest super fast because you never get to ride?

This article reads like an advertisement for health insurance providers. I don’t see anything other than “there might be gaps in coverage” that specifically identifies an issue with this low cost health insurance. Isn’t this the argument against most cheap health insurance options?

I mean, the alternative is nothing...

Don’t forget suing Disney and publically lying about what is actually happening.

This is a terrible take. Not allowing cloud gaming has nothing to do with being anticompetitive. Both Stadia and MS have other platforms they have made deals on and have a larger market share than iOS does. You could make the argument that Apple is loosing money by not hosting them so its hardly able to be classified

So EPIC broke the usage terms and was then blocked as per standard policy as Apple has done with tons of other apps over the years.

It will really blow your mind when you find out the percentage of people who don’t even test drive a car before buying it.

Loaded Raptor is $70k, loaded TRX is $90k.

Our place is usually hot (100+) this time of year but 2 weeks of 110 degrees sucks no matter what. 108 and lightning is different though.