
You are purposefully switching the issue here. The protections granted by the ADA do not require the disabled person to carry documentation. They also require companies to provide reasonable accommodation. The mask argument is dumb because there are hardly any companies that are open and don’t provide reasonable accomm

Displaying a government issued placard for using a government issued parking spot is no where near carrying documentation for the medical condition that grants you ADA rights (which isn’t required as any employer knows). Why is this so difficult for people to understand.

No you don’t. Why do you think someone with a disability needs to provide strangers with any kind of documentation about their disability let alone carry it with them.

HIPAA may not but any employer in a state with strict ADA laws already knows better than to open that can of worms.  There are ways to word it but you absolutely cannot demand they tell you why they cannot wear a mask.  Also, the idea of ADA validation is ridiculous. You link to your own article that only explains

The article fails to mention that they were all mid 90s Honda products...

I want to point out that, especially if you are a headphone user, be aware that the Mach-E makes a horrible noise. Just the worst mechanical whine you can imagine. If anybody has a chance at driving it, please wear hearing protection.

This model year Accord is growing on me (especially that blue).  Is the manual still solid in Hondas or did they get all sloppy.

It’s a little too new to be street legal, but if it was 9 years older even CA would allow it on the streets. Despite having strict laws about what can and can’t be engine swapped (this one may even be technically legal) there are zero safety inspections for keeping your vehicle on the road.

TIL: Mitsu sold more cars in the US than I figured they sold worldwide...

Here’s the secret about treating people about humans, the work they accept to do has nothing to do with their humanity.

All the people buying on Amazon and complaining that their stock price goes up. Imagine 20 years ago and not being able to have this convenience during the pandemic.

I can’t count the number of people who attack anyone questioning how the masks work due to some underlying condition they have or someone in their family has, yet they were more than willing to go to Disney the day it opened back up.

Its cool, but word is that it shares very, very little with the stock vehicle. Like modified “frame” and clearly a completely different drivetrain.  I would much prefer a modified factory car.

You could theoretically plan a journey to London, arrive with a full battery, and putter around the city on full EV without paying the full congestion tax.

Neither revenue or volume is a reliable metric of how well a manufacturing corporation is doing. You can merge all the crap together in the world and end up with the most cars sold and most revenue (strictly due to volume). It doesn’t make them good cars and certainly doesn’t highlight profitability.

All things considered, I think Ford nailed the market. We always accuse Jeep owners of just mall crawling. Now they can have something recognizable, with actual trail credibility, but much more comfortable to DD like they plan to.

You seem bitter and unable to distinguish between a tax break and $15B cash.

Which is one of the reasons we should hate the dealership model.  Let me order one off the line and stop worrying about hitting sales targets.

We know major OEMs (and not so major ones) frequent this site. Pretty sure they bagged sasquatch from Jason. I’m willing to buy into that conspiracy theory.

Its the equivalent of $300 a year for each person (in Ireland) for 10 years, which is pretty standard term for a tax break. As their personal income tax rate approaches 50%, its unlikely anything would make it to the people after government handling.