
Its pretty clear that the EU is just pissed that they weren’t able to scrape off some of those taxes for themselves.  Ireland made a clear statement that it sides with Apple and highlights that all of the IP (which is where the real value is) is not developed in Ireland.

Ahh, the best of French, Italian and American automobiles.  I can’t wait to see their first global vehicle.  Nissan will really have to step up the merger with Renault if they want to have a chance at the race to the bottom.

CP but definitely seems like a missed opportunity for Dodge. I know convertibles don’t sell but this doesn’t look half bad.

First, I was expecting a very different article. Bravo for pointing out clickbait articles (minus points for clickbait headline).

This thing was a money printer from the start.  Bravo Ford.

I can’t decide if this is more insulting to the Type-R name plate or to the NSX powerplant...

I didn’t see it in the packages, what option do you tick to get door holes?  Do they charge you more?  Do you still get windows that move?  Do they really not have a cover available?

The Chris King stuff is worth its weight in gold.  Or at least MB people think it does.  I’ve bought used bikes and sold the CK parts for more than the whole assembly.

It makes you wonder, if everything is fast, then what is the point of being faster. Once a Jeep scoots to 60 faster than most any but dedicated sports cars, being fast is a little played out. For a DD, 5s is more than fast enough without making other compromises.

I’ve never heard this and am not surprised in the least.

Its crazy how everyone hears the word hunter and thinks only of those people spending $100k to bag a lion in Africa. Especially in America, the reality is that all but a handful are the ones who either hunt with purpose for food (regardless of whether the hunter takes it or gives it away) and is backed by the Fish and

This disconnect from meat is a problem in the United States

If we think we have seen problems now, just wait until schools start up again. How many parents will have to quit their jobs for distance learning. How many Day Care locations will either be shut down or so limited that they can’t remain profitable. How will companies move on with a significant amount of workforce

Do they make a GR version of the CH-R?  It has good lines but definitely needs a real transmission.

Not a bike guy but I saw the kids bikes and livewire and they are all awesome looking. I’m surprised they didn’t subsidize the livewire.

Is this just too little too late for them? I oddly ended up in a Harley showroom last week and thought the livewire looked awesome. The performance specs are amazing as well. Additionally, they have these electric kids “stryder” bikes with a drill battery and a twist throttle that were awesome.

Paid $5k for a fit with a ton of miles, sport package and a stick about 6 years ago.  They are perfectly capable and (you can check my profile photo) reasonably safe as many Honda’s are.  Definitely more akin to the older civics than current civics are.

I guess we will see what happens.  Based on the info we know, I’d have to side with GM that clearly something dirty was happening so it seems the judge threw out the case to spite them rather than for actual lack of evidence.  Assuming that’s the case (and not surprising considering his actions thus far) I’m surprised

As someone who has owned 10+ Hondas I can confidently say you are wrong.  They may have low maintenance still, but the problems they do have are big.  Trans failure, major paint defects, the list goes on.  They also have a terrible warranty (spurring dealerships to offer their own these days) and good luck getting

1st gear: I mean, a small business can have 250+ employees and average $100M in sales over 3 years.  I imagine many dealerships fall in that category.