
B52, B53...whatever it takes.

With the description of the engine as being on the “port side” I assume Dynamic Airlines has something to do with some country’s Navy.

Draw up a plan for a jet with upside down wings. Then we can watch the Chinese steal the plans, make a copy and try to fly it.

What exactly does “Strike” in the name “Long Range Strike Bomber” imply? Will it have a different mission than the B-2?

April 12th, 1981, I was in my first week of Air Force basic training at Lackland AFB. Sitting in some classroom (I dunno, the proper way to tie your bootlaces) and the instructor turned on the TV and said “Nobody watches TV in basic. You’re the first.” On came the shuttle launch and it was full of sweet awesomeness.

The Battle of Britain was all about Germany’s attempt to achieve air superiority over the Channel. They failed and could never mount an invasion by sea because they knew their ships would be shredded by English air power.

They are percussion. 20mm are electric ignition.

Back in 1981 when I was a lowly A1C and assistant A-10 crew chief, I had a pilot call me up to the cockpit when he had some time to kill. He powered up the Maverick he had under the wing and tried to lock it onto a crew chief who was walking around the flight line a few hundred yards away. It wouldn’t lock on, so he

When I was an A-10 crew chief the gun had high/low selector switch to set the rate of fire. From what I understand it is now set at one speed.

We already have a single payer system in the US. Its call the Veteran’s Administration and you should be happy you don’t use it.

Wait. Christie Brinkley is 24 years older than he is. That’s his mom!

He’s married to Christie Brinkley and hot blonds in sports cars are hitting on him. He’s doing ok.

“...those who breathed the fumes and touched parts of the Vega 31’s smoldering carcass would probably get gravely sick in not so many years.”

The hell? That car didn’t even try to slide.

Its actually very easy to tell the difference as long as you remember that a Flanker has a wanker.

And then there’s the Jet Fuel Starter (JFS) which the F-16 has.

APU’s provide electrical, hydraulic and bleed air for ground operations and for starting the aircraft. If you ever had to push a dash 60 or a mule around the flightline you would think APU’s are heaven sent.

Missing rivet at 8:30 of video.

“The Flying Platypus of Death”

“The Flying Platypus of Death”