…without the canary?
…without the canary?
I don't know about that, but I do know that all things gyno have a Trump phobia!
I can see it now, he walks in to a blue glow from thousands of faces in the dark arena looking down, eyes glued to their phone screens. One representative crowd member says "we just have to check our email/something on Facebook, but go ahead, we're listening." Then they all spend the rest of the speech just slow…
Just so I can say I was pulling my own weight on this, I'm in Ontario, Canada. I feel ya on the beer cheese thing, as we have some perfectly adequate wine and cheese produced here. Our beer game is pretty good though, and we have other amazing things, like maple syrup! Coffee Crisps and Smarties (not the kind you…
I was so sad to lose Limitless. That season was great!
Congratulations on your anniversary yesterday! It's an amazing achievement and it puts you head and shoulders above a guy who minimizes a struggle he's never had to experience.
Take my money.
Bet it made their ears soar.
Look, I don't wanna turn Weird Al into Kenny G any more than you do. However, in that space between Weird Al and Kenny G, while the machine is sucking his life away, tell me you aren't at least a little curious as to what his "sound of ultimate suffering" sounds like!
They know what they did.
I really don't understand this sentiment at all. In the particular sense, I really loved the first season of this show and thought the plotting was fine. In fact, I actually had to stop watching for a few days at one point because I found Kilgrave so disturbing I needed a break. I can't imagine making him even more…
I would love to collaborate with you on this project. Yeah, I'd want a cut, but my specific skills in working with fabric most people can't see will enable us to ask for a higher price. I have (worked on) all the best clothes for Emperors, ask anybody!
The guy's coming after us (Canada) hard, and we're probably one of the best friends you have. People are already starting to talk about a U.S. boycott and making the transition to marketing our goods and resources elsewhere.
You and @disqus_Kt7f5fvc9w:disqus are welcome to join me!
While this comment totally applies here, I yet somehow feel it would have been better saved as a response to a particularly vile Gentle Herpes comment.
Hate to pile on, but they won't be any better really.
If you click on the photo, it will open up into the full thing.
There have been virtual online marches for both the Women's March and today's March for Science. I would imagine there will be one next Saturday for the Climate March. They might post info on that here:
Keep Calm
A Gun
…On Second Thought
You Don't Even Need To
Keep Calm
-Future Meme from the King of Memes