Dave on bass

Imprisoning or suing (or both!) every single member of the current administration into oblivion won’t necessarily undo anything, but it’d still be a nice start.

Donald Trump and EVERY SINGLE ONE of his supporters are white supremacists.

The lie is a cake!

Call me heartless, but I will take wicked pleasure from every one of these Trump-dick-suckers’ deaths from the ‘Rona. Fuck ‘em all.

The Dolby Virus blinds you with science

no don’t you see that’s how i broke out of the loop

I had no idea grilled spam was so delicious until a Japanese friend brought some “spam musubi” (spam sushi - Hawaii’s national snack!) to a potluck.

I love Spam. I almost don’t care how you cook it. Stir fry, fried with eggs, on the grill, sauteed for a sammie, don’t care. And I only have one can left!! And our store is still OUT and has been for almost two months!! *sad*

F is for friends who do stuff together?

That doesn’t look like traditional Bedouin garb to me.

You swerved into quantum mechanics. In a nutshell, “A cat in a box with a fragile container of poison is both alive and dead until you open the box and look”.

Because cops are pieces of shit and should be fucking jumping off a cliff for their stupidity.

I’d like to see a police department go one day without using that “resisting arrest” BS. Their heads would probably explode, like a robot dividing by zero.

thank you! one of the best meet the videos lol!

Emotional, academic, “smart smart”, Grumpy, Sneezy, Gluttony, and General Kardashian Knowledge.

Here’s my suggestions

There’s only one Electric GM product we care about.

I’d thought about doing something like it myself...those 2-door Tahoes are cheap, so I thought one might look good with a throw-back paint-job and some K5 emblems / badging.

You stop that.  Stop that right now.

You stop that.  Stop that right now.