
That analogy doesn’t really hit with me. Pixar is known for its animated films. Google has more of a reputation for having a broader scope with the things it does

Seriously? Sweet baby’s rays is good but its still lower tier sauce. Totally inferior to even Stubbs, much less something like Rudy’s 

Seriously? Sweet baby’s rays is good but its still lower tier sauce. Totally inferior to even Stubbs, much less

Great protest against contract workers, I’m sure this article will fix everything

Isn’t it obvious? Who would say a Ford escape is built phenomenally other then some marketing dude 

My city went to paper bags on January 1st. And honestly, I love them. So much more room for groceries and you can stack things much better in them. One paper bag can fit 3 plastic bags worth of groceries 

A lot of people have them because of deer

Something tells me you already make a shit load of money anyway

I would guess Christianity but that’s not really an oddball.

She already apologized and they still just want more. Its like with that apology they got a little smell of blood in the water and want to feast. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. 

Did you even read the article?

Damn I didn’t know putting up propaganda posters makes you a hardcore violent criminal

First time i’ve seen a censoring sympathizer. You see something new everyday 

You’re too logical for me to mess with 

The animation doesn’t look too bad to me, totally acceptable. I liked how the tentacle dude was able to shape them into arms. Maybe you’ve just been spoiled 

America would be saying ‘payback is a bitch’ after the mexican goverment green lit US agents to be killed. Sorry but if mexico and the US were to go to war, Mexico would get annihilated. The cartels would put up more of a fight then the army.

I never said there was no difference between Hillary or Trump. But i still didn’t vote for either of them

Is this revenge for the Wilder v Fury fight lol. 

I’d be less concerned about Shia and more concerned about Harrison. IMHO Shia is a better actor than harrison just more mentally unstable. Harrison is just an ass, you know he’s going to demand atleast 50+ million and just be a general nuisance 

Isn’t the fact that we’re here alive now a pretty good indicator that we didn’t go extinct? Did we really need artifacts to figure that out? 

Fuck madden exactly. The exclusive rights mean they can put out whatever quality game they want. Both things can exist but one is the clear winner. Midnight is a bit much but during the day sure thing, will keep you fit too.