
You can just do that in the comfort of your home or car. But then again people know how to waste money

There’s already enough friggin starbucks everywhere. I don’t need to hear some uptight business guy yelling at the barista about his soy pumpkin spice latte while i try to D&D

You seriously overestimate 99% of criminals

You should be my therapist 

Geez, maybe these streamers should just be surgeons or on a crab boat. I bet that’ll be less stressful. And they won’t even have other people to consider their mental health and give unwavering support anytime you want. 

Is it just me or is netflix getting just worse? It used to have star ratings, reviews, no autoplay, and less shitty netflix originals. They tried to fix something that wasn’t broke. 

Eh, you’re right. Getting paid 20k to stay in a 5 star hotel for a few days does sound like a lot of work. And on top of that you have to instagram it and tweet about it.

You’re acting as if impending doom is an issue that can be resolved. You gonna cure cancer next? 

Influences and streamers are raking in cash doing basically nothing. I feel like the stupid one

I like video games. But when it comes to sports, just go outside and fucking play it for real! it’s a lot funner trust me

You must not have seen an acid attack before

There is no reason to be worried or panicked. I’m more concerned with cancer cells in my body

That is complete and utter nonsense. Fuck it lets just build a dyson sphere 

I’ve never worn jeans while i was doing work or playing recreaction sports and thought “you know, i could use more performance from my jeans”

I’ve never worn jeans while i was doing work or playing recreaction sports and thought “you know, i could use more

That’s worked with mixed success, far better results have been concluded by increasing education to women. And it is projected that the birth cap will be hit and then it will start to drop as the third world becomes more educated but not before it’s going to reaches the 10 billion 2050

You would rather watch some dude with a crackly voice explain to you what happens then actually watch it for yourself. I don’t know if that’s lazy or stupid or both, I guess that makes sense since you can’t read subtitles fast enough to watch a movie.

Try out Foundation. I just picked it up myself but it has that very zen feeling of stardew with its amazing soundtrack and graphics. And it’s a management game that’s not as in depth as Cities or Tropico but still gives enough to be satisfied

These fashion people are mentally ill. Does not surprise me

I guarantee you have family that speeds 10 above the limit. Do you feel that same sentiment towards them? You seriously never go above the speed limit? 

She was probably drunk as fuck as she didn’t get hurt.