
Just let the fucking guy wear what he wants to lol. You’re unnecessary.

You’re right. Shit if i got a million dollars for like 1 year of my time i’d call that a happy as fuck ending

Wait, why are you upset with him he was just pointing out a fact, sensitivity much? “Cause we dont fuck with you and your kind over here” You know what you sound like saying that right? 

The IT business is soul sucking, should of been literally anything else

Will i be seeing a news story about you beating a japanese man to death because he has a manji tattoo?

The coronavirus is being linked to wild animal markets in china. Which are some of the most cruel things i’ve ever seen even in comparison to the US slaughter industry. China really is kind of a miserable place with all the censorship, the one party system and general totalitarian oppression

That second office looks amazing and has tons of natural light

Trump totally gonna win 2020 because of stuff like this. Too many stupid people are gonna believe his bullshit.

LOL because russia is known to treat it’s people well. 

Popeyes pays minimum wage. Chikfila pays a few dollars more. 

What he’s saying is that he made enough money from disney that he couldn’t care less about another paycheck.

I deactivated my facebook about a year ago. Never looked back, realized how unhealthy it was.

Ok boomer

I was able to get off Facebook completely with Discord. Seems like most of the people i associate with all use Discord

Trump is a dingus, but i do dislike SJW’s as much as the right but if i got offered a huge paycheck i wouldn’t care who is in the white house. “Gender is a spectrum”, so far that’s probably been one of the better responses

So fuck it make no minimum age for alcohol or smoking, i mean kids are gonna get it anyway right. Lets do the same thing for guns since when there’s a will there’s a way

I said it’s the same thing to me not gender is whatever i say it is. People are starting to use the word gender more broadly now, but it can still be defined as two sexes male/female. 

It’s fine by me, I don’t really have much opinion in the matter. And yes, these parties are stupid. Who cares if your kid is a boy or a girl its your kid either way. 

They’re the same thing to me. 

From what i’ve seen science has not determined that, and in most cultures there’s still just binary gender. You can identify as whatever the hell you want, i’m sure there’s some people who identify as a chinchilla, that doesn’t make them one. People judge what they see within the first few seconds, and everyone has