
Just because you identify as a different gender doesn’t mean you are one. I can identify as a dragon, that doesn’t make me a dragon.

Adblock. Not that hard

Gender is scientifically determined not assigned.

I think this is a good idea, coming from a millennial vapor. 13-14 year old freshmen will make connections with the 18 year old seniors to buy them the vapes

You never heard of a contractor before? 

Tucker and Dale is a comedy, doesn’t even come close to horror. 

I don’t get how people are so upset about a wall. 

You really think shitty people are going to follow your advice? They wouldn’t be shitty people if they followed good advice. 

How is Requiem for a Dream not on here? 

Pretty nifty, I’m pretty sure a lot of manufacturers already have a lot of research on this though. Like those trucks and the new trailer cams they have.

Mazda is developing a 6-inline, from what i hear that same 6-inline is going to be used in performance lexus’s. I’d expect a strong offering from Mazda in the future. 

Mazda is developing a 6-inline, and i have a feeling it is going to growl 

No one will confuse them because they won’t constantly be in the shop for repairs. 

What jobs do people have where they can just fuck off at work? I need to know so I can get one

You got me there. I’ve actually never taken a long flight, just short domestic ones so I never even thought of leaning my seat back.

Get seats with more legroom? It’s not the person in front you of who’s at fault for you being tall.

This has a the ‘Sicarrio’ movie written all over it. Who would want this more than a cartel?

I never understood why someone would want to pay 1.50 for a stupid skin. 

The only reason they got ANYWHERE in life is because of daddies money and connections. 

Fine by me. Microsoft doesn’t scare me nearly as much as Amazon does