
Perhaps it might be time to just put out a well-made, well-priced product.

So, the patch notes mention that all three leaders have the same function.

You know what? There are going to be times when Men are on top and some where the Women are on top.

Perhaps rather than going “omg implications!” we should just be happy for the teams for doing an awesome job.

Ummm, Minecraft would like to have a word with you.

That list where 8 titles are First-Party,

Either Nintendo really needs to attract third-party devs or those devs need to step-up their game.

Dat moment when you know you have the body-type to pull off an amazing cosplay, regardless of gender.


Now lets hope that the Nexus 6 connection issues get resolved soon so I can play effectively!

We’re talking about a game on Mobile that not only has to deal with limited amounts of space on a phone but also the fact it’s still a freaking Beta (despite it being “launched”).

Not everything is implemented yet, I sure as hell wish I could change my hairstyle and other aspects of my avatar too.

Because the lockboxes and purchasable keys change nothing for those who don’t want it?

Handled very well indeed, kudos!

Sorry, you’re wrong about Unity. Unity asks for a pro license if you’re grossing more than $100k/year

Between the GTX 1070 and now Forza bringing itself to PC I have picked a MARVELOUS time to have the funds to upgrade my PC.

Inb4 this is a successor to Megaman Legends as Mighty No. 9 is to Megaman Classic. Now we just need a successor to Megaman X and/or Zero :(

They’re looking at those who use cheat engines and not bugs.

No wonder why I was confused, the differences are so subtle that I assumed the trailer was using PS2 footage.

Apparently people don’t know what D/s relationships are or better yet, (Daddy/Mommy) / Little relationships are.

“Now it’s a full game built using Unreal Engine 3"

But the trailer clearly states it’s running in Unreal Engine 4!

But how does it compare with Sword of the Stars?

I’d bet a big chunk of the hate is because MW Remaster can only be bought with Infinite Warfare.

sadly the gaming community has pretty much killed any chance of this happening, given how toxic it is to all players unless you’re elite.

Please let this be a test to see if Pokemons main battle system becomes this.