Merkin Muffley

The GM parts database says (null) or (NA) for a lot of components. Most engine parts cross to an L76 but good luck pulling a valid GM NA part number for certain body, safety, emissions or security parts... because they came in strictly as a fleet purchase. My parts guys came up with blank screens pulling up the codes

Hey at least he took a Q400 out. Bless him. 

Which basically describes the selection process at Horizon when they selected that god-awful airframe. Screw that airplane. 

Anybody that takes a Q400 out of service is OK in my book. Screw that horrible effing airframe. The speed of a 172, the noise of a Tu-16.

Those damn neo-cons who run the Times!

Dont know where you live, but “the duck curve” problem... is a real issue here.  Look it up 

Solar subsidies? That’s all that’s propping up this mess.

We curtail ever-increasing amounts of this over-produced solar.

Once one realizes that the majority of LADWP’s night power comes from out of state coal plants? You understand that “what they say” and “what they actually do” are completely uncorrelated.

As Dell once put it "add a zero to a zero... What do you get?"

Nice random factoids that miss the point. Both those “examples” were North American market vehicles already built in North America for civilians.

Well it’s a good question but goes back to Musk’s PoV that its market share makes it a defacto town square.

Erin was pretty strongly in that camp for one.


Do the math

Its weird that it’s that short... And that wide.

By way of comparison, my Quadrasteer full-crew-cab Silverado is only 36.5 feet turning radius.

Nice pics Bob. Thanks!

You can have all the free speech you want... as long as it’s not in the building I own on company time.

Er, no.