
If a woman doctor performs an abortion on a woman, then can we ever be truly sure it happened?

Perfect example of why Republicans in Texas will twist their ideologies and reasoning every which way to be the exact opposite of Democrats, because they think that's what the people want.

In as much as there is a downside to Davis's admission, it is that it does follow the template for a "good" abortion.

Biden is one of those politicians who has never been served well by the primary system. He seems like a genuinely smart, competent guy who would make a good President, but he doesn't have that rock star quality that the media focuses on in the primaries. Maybe if he just cut loose and didn't try to censor himself

The thing about Biden is the "loose cannon" reputation is purely an invention of opposition political campaigns that some in the media fell for. For decades, he has been known as one of the brightest people in the Senate. It was weird watching people on TV being shocked when he did well in debates the last two

I've always liked Biden, from the eloquently-stated comments such as these (and these are on POINT) to the hands-in-the-air-wave-them-like-you-just-don't-care "MALARKEY!" moments. A friend of mine once called him a loose cannon, but I think it's the opposite. I think he's been around so long that he just doesn't give

are we talking about Tolkien elves? Because those guys are dicks.

It's almost as if gay people can be gay without it being a huge defining trait in their personality and/or storyline.

Save yourself, Kanga!

Well someone needs a hug.

I believe in the justice system targeting is not enough and they would have to show race as a motivation for the crime. It would be hard to prove in a court of law, and with the number of charges wouldn't impact the life twelve times over he is going to receive. Just to clarify, I believe he is almost certainly a

Everyone, we need to spread news regarding this case. It is horrible. Holtzclaw was only targeting black women knowing that they would have a harder time reporting him/ would be less likely to be believed. This is a case that touches on systematic racism and sexism. Show support for his victims, make sure people know

Reading about how he stalked these women after hand picking them and using their criminal records as leverage was chilling. He vaginally raped at least one women, coerced all of them into oral sex, and he stalked at least one women (the woman he raped) at her home and forced her into sexual acts at his beck and call,

He focused on particularly vulnerable and marginalized members of society, allegedly targeting poor black women

Nailed it. A frenemy once told me, in all earnestness, that he had no respect for people who don't feel passionately about what they do, or who work jobs "just for the paycheck." At the time, he was entering year 2 of his mid-life crisis at 41 and living with his 70-year-old parents.

I'd recommend getting a rescue dog that is four years or older. Young enough to play and be active, not so young as to need a ton of training or work, not so squee as to make Jazzy too jealous, and that way you're giving a dog a chance who would be unlikely to be adopted otherwise.