
Technically, isn't nearly everything up to 5000 years old? But most things are much less?

Phil is absolutely fallible. As soon as he tears a vocal chord, he'll be replaced in the booth by Jeff Hostetler, who will finish out the season for him successfully. Then he'll return to his rightful mic.

Remember how pissy he got when Peter Griffin sang "Shipoopi" after scoring a touchdown? What a whiner.

"It rocks!"

Coughlin became a whole lot more likable around the time that the Giants became good. Or rather, around the time the Giants figured out how to fail their way into the wild card game and suddenly play like their loved-ones were being held at knife-point and miraculously pull victory out of nowhere.

The closest you can get with Polish sausage would be to spackle a broken heart, really.

He's his own man, but you're your own grandfather. I'd say you were the expert here.

Makes sense to me, as I really hated the Cowboys a lot more viscerally back when they were often called "America's Team" by announcers and such. Hey, buddy, I'm American, and you sure as fuck weren't MY team.

Most of us call that thing a toothbrush.

I thought "Vertical Horizon" was a euphemism for something Donald Trump grabs.

As a kid with a pretty limited musical palate, whenever I was feeling really upset or frustrated or angry at the 'rents, I'd need something that took me through a whole range of emotions. First, aggressive and rumpus-y, leading through a nice calm section that let me cool down and chill once the fire was released. And

The body of this article could have just read "Wouldn't that be something?"

Modell is a fool for purging this one.


User-name/comment synergy a-go-go.

The only thing I ever read by Mr. Brubaker was his solo indie comic Lowlife. Which means that 1) I am old, and 2) I am a snob.

Subtle. Upvoted.

I'm your greasy strangler.
Strangler for money.
Do what you want me to do.

Don't knockwurst until you trywurst.

Throw in a healthy dash of the "Daddy do you want some sausage?" bit from Freddy Got Fingered and I think you're closer.