
Tumblr seems to be the place that incites and enflames the most outspoken, demanding, and entitled elements of the fandoms I've witnessed that have turned against the creators. I can think of at least three webcomic authors who've had incredibly distressing responses to very ugly fan uprisings. Of course, that could

"You're a sociopath!"

…And I co-produced!

I take back what I said earlier in the thread; THIS is the best argument on the Internet right now.

This is the best argument on the Internet right now.

Just one small problem can destroy the whole endeavor, though. Imagine working on something like this for three years, only to launch it and discover a bent ardif.

I loved that game too. Still remember the TV commercial. "Where you can run, run, run, run, run!"

And with this, the A.V. Club Commentary Simpsons Quote Event Horizon expanded enough to swallow the entire site. Now it is merely a repository for re-contextualized Simpson quotes. John Teti was seen wandering the streets of Chicago four days later in a tattered sports-coat, living off of soviet-era sodas and humming

Can do.

Doesn't the word "How" in that headline imply that something's going to be "Explained"?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt this episode underperformed. The character moments were sweet, and the references to earlier episodes were nicely placed. But as far as the story's progression goes, the thread that went from plot point to plot point felt whisper-thin. No real sense of stakes carried through the

I have, but I admit I didn't give it a truly fair shake because of influence from outside events at the time. I should give it another shot.

Okay…I'll accept that then.

The first one I ever saw was Buzzfeed's video about how blending ice cream sandwiches resulted in one of the best, easiest chocolate milkshakes you'll ever taste. It was pretty damn good, to be honest.


To be fair, the 90s alt-rock sound that The Pillows encompassed so perfectly isn't what it used to be either.

FLCL is literally the only anime series I've ever enjoyed all the way through (Evangelion was just too long and boring at stretches, the rest I've seen made almost no impression). I'm honestly excited about this news.

The best thing spawned by this online trend is the "You Suck at Cooking" YouTube channel.

Oh, come ON. What is up with this year??

Should we be stocking up on mics for you to drop?