
But are Swifties any better?

I will die on this hill!

This reads like a list of reasons not to date Taylor Swift, which means I’m at least doing one thing right in my life.

The last paragraph is the only decent one here. In a different age this could have been a much shorter story or commentary about how Swifties are nuts, but now it’s some half-rumor, half nonsense full of reposted tweets from randos garbage. 

DID ANYONE ELSE NOTICE how Gerry was mouthing along to everything the woman he chose said in the after the rose show?  I tuned in for some of it (my first Bachelor episode ever!) and I was like WTF is happening?  He was mouthing along to everything she said!  It was insane.  It looked like even the camera operator

Well, folks, it’s finally over.

As one of the people who worked on Golden Bachelor

It’s so wild how you guys are covering this like any of it is real or any of these people aren’t actors

On Monday, Gizmodo sister site Deadspin uploaded an article accusing a child of wearing blackface to a Kansas City Chiefs game, a claim that was quickly debunked. Today the site updated the article, but still failed to correct the erroneous claim.

To me this suggests that G/O Media websites not only publish false

It’s like just because the people on this version are old the public doesn’t think they’re going to be just as attention hungry and in it for the money as the younger people, which is a foolish thing to think.

Nah you’re right. It’s one thing to start dating a month later (still a bit soon imo, but it’s none of my business), but it’s another to consider yourself *this* deeply in love as in “no need to look further” this soon. That sounds like a narcissist’s love-bombing. Or an old guy who had a housewife do everything for

While there was conflict about finances and the routine of the home...”

17 million dollars and that pic of presumably a stream of hers, looks like it has cheese cloth over the lens to make sure she looks smoothed over for the fans. Money begets money, nothing really new here. She’s hot and the internet has given hot people a way to monopolize that over thousands or millions of people


Remind me what her talent is again?

She’ll never fuck you Levi, no matter how many articles you post about her...

Reminder to all the folks raging in the comments - you are ensuring another Amouranth article by engaging with the content. Ignoring it is your only weapon in this fight.

No matter how many articles you write (or have ChatGPT produce) she’s still not going to fuck you for the exposure. 

Florida Orange groves are failing all over due to Citrus Greening. I think the deprecation tax gambit is the entirety of this purchase.