
Starfield didn’t get snubbed. It’s an overrated turd, carried soley by the name of the studio behind it, and the marketing hype lead by their director who has a long history of embellishing everything he’s in charge of.

Can a character in a given video game be coded straight\cis without it being seen a slight against LGBT people?

Are the statements “Pro Palestinian”? Or are they more of the “Kill all the Jews” variety that our alt-right MAGAs that didn’t want to be replaced were spewing?

I thought this was Deadspin for a minute and wondered why there were comments.

Can I live without beef, arguably yes, will I live without cheese, abso-fucking-lutely not.

Because they, and their milk, and the things we make from their milk, are delicious.

Youte going to let something you spent money on collect dust, cause it's too hard to hit the b button and close the ad? You sound really smart. 

Oh great, just give this overly-Conservative court a reason to revisit and reverse Bostock now that Ginsburg is gone. Because that ended so well for Roe.

Honestly, I’ve been waiting for it too. But all the tokenism and dragging him out for speeches makes me think it wasn’t sleazy, just super-racist. The same way a lot of evangelicals adopt babies from third-world countries in order to Christianize and save them, I’m guessing Mike here “adopted” a black kid in the hopes

No one is getting a mortgage for any amount without thousands of dollars in the bank, so this is obviously a case of him hiding his money to evade taxes. 

1000%. My first and only take is he’s obviously a crook and has money stashed away in a dozen ways my poor little brain can’t fathom.

Unless the government is actually handing him a paper check for his pay, he’d have to have an account somewhere. The fact that one doesn’t show up makes me wonder what Caribbean island he banks with.

Or ... and stick with me here ... he’s such a Christofascist whackjob that he doesn’t think the rules apply to him, and when confronted he’ll pull a “Thomas” and claim he was advised he didn’t have to follow those rules.

Makes the fact that his first big act is to push for defunding the IRS that much more understandable.

So he’s laundering money. 

lmao The Day Before just announced its delayed until Dec 7th, back on steam though

Nah, Dale would scoff at these amateurs and say its all a distraction from the real conspiracies out there.

Granblue was delayed to mid December.  Also, as someone already pointed out, Banishers was delayed to Feb of next year as well. Stellar reporting Kotaku.

I always suspected that Dale would’ve looked at the Qanon idiots and laughed. One, they went to Washington DC, and two, real government’s not in DC, anyway. That’s just what they want you to think. 

The Tesla CEO continued to express his fighting prowess claiming he has been trained in judo, Taekwondo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and “street fighting.”