
Dragon Tattoo is way too low (swap places with Mank), but this is a good list.

If placing “Fight Club” behind “The Game” and “Panic Room” is an almost criminal, then placing it behind “Gone Girl” is pure evil.

Benjamin Button is much better than popular culture remembers. Lazy writers take pot shots at it because it’s easy. It definitely deserves a reassessment.

I don’t disagree with the criticisms about “The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo”, but the issues come mainly already in the novel.

You have to be trolling.

I can live with Zodiac being #1 as I quite enjoy the movie, but there is no way Mank, Panic Room and Gone Girl are better movies than Fight Club or Seven.

Doesn’t a LEO need probable cause? So is a policeman seeing a woman pumping gas with a large belly probable enough?

The doctrine of the right to travel actually encompasses three separate rights, of which two have been notable for the uncertainty of their textual support. The first is the right of a citizen to move freely between states, a right venerable for its longevity, but still lacking a clear doctrinal basis.

It is absolutely insane to me that a company can steal money from its customers and still be allowed to resume operations without fully repaying every cent.

Always handy when Reddit does my job for me too.

Was feeling very sympathetic until I saw that she named her child "legend"

Look at that pretty kitty! 

I’m just glad this isn’t a slideshow.

Being high at the time didn’t protect me from my DUI, and it shouldn’t protect him from his bad business acumen.

I’m shocked that this obvious grift got past one of Jezebel’s brightest minds.

But this just sounds like a person who has way more money than sense.

Agreed. Also, the two parties had probably been in the process of closing the transaction for weeks if not months before the 7/14 close date 3 days after his surgery. It’s not like people can decide to buy a house and then be the owners of said house in a matter of days.

1) This is something that’s supposed to be a State law as it speaks to contract formation, which is a State by State issue (e.g. some States require a notary and two witnesses for an effective conveyance of real property for instance);

Each party usually requires a lawyer or real estate agent to see the sale through. If he was in such a confused state, the onus is on his lawyer and real estate agent, not the person who saw a house for sale and bought it.

Writing in “The Federalist”?! What a bunch of scumbags.