
But not the whole series.

A) How fast did that sale go through? From “not even on the market” to “sold” before his painkillers wore off? Are we to believe that Perry is in kahoots with his anesthesiologist or something?

Not one actually scary game on this list.

Don’t think any of these qualify as spooky. Might be better to update the headline to “7 Games That Take Place In Autumn.”

This one is simpler than that.  Musk was spouting a bunch of bullshit the other day.  He himself got fact-checked by this system.  His fragile ego couldn’t allow that, so here we are.

How can she be a bad person? She’s marginalized!!!

Being upset that a 2023 upated game doesn’t run well on 10 year old hardware is quite a hot take.

I don’t like this at all. I love blasting through areas that were hard before. While I am still curious about how 2.0 plays, this killed a lot of my hype.

This is Jezebel. YOU are about to face the lions cuz on this site it is virtually impossible for a Black Woman to commit a legal or moral wrong

Gross. That header image is like 5 tons of unfuckableness. Reminds me of Marge Madness

More like face the elephant

I’m bummed about armor switching to cyberware and the loss of mod slots... even if it is mostly more realistic. Sure, there’s no practical reason for my halter top, hot pants and boots to have 300 armor each, but hopefully actual body armor still has value.

It’s the only change I’m not happy about 

I hate this. Why not just get rid of levels completely if you’re going to go with 100% scaling?

The clip you’ve posted of the “hidden section” was uploaded 5 days EARLIER than the clip of Neil Newbon saying there’s a secret. Could that really have been what he was talking about? Between Larian and Neil, clearly one of them is confused.

I’ve never played this game, but the addition of level scaling is unfortunate. Perhaps there’s context here that I’m missing or not understanding, but I find that level scaling essentially imposes an easier difficulty upon the player.

the first thing i noticed...

The entire backbone of this article is that Joe Jonas is horrible for planting a lie that she parties too much to the media, before ending the article with a link to her partying with Taylor Swift.

I’ve seen the theatrical version, and I’ve seen the extended version. The cuts did not make an already bad movie worse. The extended version doesn’t add anything except running time.

“Bringing up the idea of giving the movie ‘back to the fans’ was a pretty clear shout-out to all those losers who went after us for making an all-female film.” Jones writes.”