
I’m as much an engineer as Musk, and I’ve got a Fine Arts degree.

Oh gawd I missed that episode of the Simpsons. I’ll be sure to avoid it.

What an absolute weirdo. Glad to see that, for all the mistakes that CDPR made during the development and release of this game, adding Musk into it was not one of them.

Uhhh... care to give that another go? You missed a few zeros.

No need to insult sex workers.

The US hasn’t declared war against Russia. So no.

And this...

Even if she hadn’t said anything ‘racist’ you’d call her ‘racist.’

Nothing makes ugly people madder than a blonde woman. Fat, ugly, hog people like Candace obsess about “Karens” because of jealousy and self hate.

Is she the whore who used to rob her johns?

So no post about that young lady who claimed to get hit with a brick by a black man, then come to find out she lied? Nothing huh? 

lol. Dis website does so much to show everyone how racist, sexist and homophobic blacks really are. They hate every other minority.

Black Americans are the most imitated ethnic group in the world to date”

This groundswell of support could mean the Ed Grimley movie is closer to being made than ever!

The viral footage is a reminder that folks feel way to comfortable stealing from our culture—and we need to continue to call them out on it.

So only Black people are allowed to dance now?

So, what you’re saying is, a bunch of Asia frat boys got together one day and said, “Hey, let’s erode the significance of what Black people have fought for because racist institutions and structures gave them no choice.” Really?

Pretty sure this constitutes fraud — selling a product or service and then deliberately not delivering what was sold while misleading the customer about it. And if Musk gave the order, well, he’s personally and financially responsible for it.

Poland don’t give a heck.