
As if I needed another reason to hate HP after buying an HP printer and then buying, at the suggestion of HP, the extra large cartridges because for the little extra price you get way more pages out of them. Come to find out the XL cartridges aren’t compatible with my HP printer despite them just being larger

I absolutely am assuming if you search all the social media of someone that was 51 at the time of the relationship you could find information about her dating Gerry. Acting like people above the age of 50 don’t post anything on Twitter/FB/etc about their relationships seems kind of silly.

In this day and age pretty much any research firm the network uses? Hell a shitty PI could have probably found it out since they worked together so interviewing coworkers or looking at her social media likely would have brought it up.

Things like this draw up attention, but if the lie/omission had been bigger like the guy has a history of sexual assault or domestic violence there would probably be issues.

God forbid they have mentioned time frames so people know when the best chance to see it might be.

The Devil Made Me Do It is such a disappointing addition to the series. I loved Conjuring, liked Conjuring 2 a fair amount aside from a couple portions. This one was just bad.

With the amount of resources that go into this franchise I refuse to believe they don’t have a firm do a reasonably deep dive for background on the candidates. 

Kids are going to absolutely love choking on these adorable things.

Makes for a great tax write-off whether it survives or not.

Funny how hard they went with the storyline of she’s only doing it because her abusive husband is forcing her to and he controls her finances, yet now that she’s rich she’s still doing it.

I’ve noticed Kotaku is only allowing comments on like half of their articles now, and the ones that do allow comments are deleting any comments they don’t like. I commented on the absurdity of the Amouranth beer article and was put back into the greys, I commented about being put back into the greys for that comment

I never said kids shouldn't watch TV and movies, I said it's bad if you're looking to TV and movies to find role models for your kids.

Also there’s the minor fact that if someone is looking for “good male role models” in movies for their unborn children, they’re already parenting wrong.

Part of me wonders if using Gizmodo for articles that look more at home on Jalopnik/AVC/Kotaku is because they’re getting ready for another site execution.

Now playing

They also ignore her great work on Between Two Ferns

Obviously best known as the pimpish guy from The Girl Next Door.

It really is kind of funny to think of people using this to avoid having to go to a medical doctor to get checked for an STD. I can only imagine the kind of lists you get added to if you use a service like this.

The building we’re in has our office, and next door is the door to the apartments on the second floor of the building. The numbers are clearly printed on labels as our office number or the number for the door to the apartments, and the apartment labels have apartment numbers on them.

It seems like they’re transitioning to the no comment style of Deadspin/The Root. The articles that are sponsored by or presented by advertisers usually have comments disabled, and they’re going on delete sprees for comments they don’t like.