
I figured it just stood for Antifa since she claimed they were behind the half assed anarchist symbols spraypainted outside her house that she totally didn’t have done for attention.

Dammit now that you said it they’ll update it with additional options and decide it’s easier to do as a slideshow.

Thank goodness someone is finally looking out for the real victims, wealthy people making millions in profits going through with real estate transactions then pretending to have been taken advantage of for attention.

God you're right, I swore The Donna was from from 8.

I didn’t care for the comedy bit with Louis pretending to be Harvey, and everything about The Donna.

We Suits fans only acknowledge it being a 7 season show, 8 season if we’ve been drinking. No one admits season 9 existed.

Really was expecting stuff more along the lines of The Evil Within/2, RE 2/4/Village

They’re obviously horrible people for kicking this poor guy out of the house he bought for millions by going through a proper real estate transaction and giving him more money than the millions he himself paid for it in the first place. I wish I was so unfortunate.

Cheung later told reporters: “President Trump did not purchase or take possession of the firearm. He simply indicated that he wanted one.” Ok buddy thanks, I feel so much better now.

So Tinder is upgrading from matchmaker to pimp?

I started a fresh game since a lot of people were saying it felt like a different game now and it was totally different with 2.0. It’s basically the same game with a new skill tree and the cops come after me more but are easy to ditch and the Fenrir got gimped.

I’m outraged that my VHS tapes don’t play in my DVD player.

I beelined for the Fenrir and was disappointed to see they took burn off it because they’re a bunch of cowards.

It looks like random clothing still has stats, but there’s no reason to any of it. You have to go item by item at every clothing vendor to even find it because they’re the same rarity, some will just randomly have bonuses while everything else is just clothing with nothing.

It almost defeats a lot of the other changes. Changing so much stuff to “rebalance” then adding level scaling. A lot of the stuff that got rebalanced only felt OP because you were using it on lower level stuff.

Candace has to love the fact they turned off comments since her article’s comment sections were always full of people dunking on her nonstop grammatical/factual errors and just absurdity like this.

House arrest in your golden ticket’s mansion, that’ll teach him.

It is funny to watch them rapid fire articles now knowing that people can’t just prove outright lies/hypocrisy in the comments. I wonder how much it will affect traffic, I know it didn’t do any good for Deadspin on that front.

There were more comments about how the articles were just flat out wrong than just being hateful, so it wasn’t just the hateful comments that made them turn them off.