
Somehow that’s actually not a typo. Some of the seasons must have been shortened so it wasn’t a 1:1 ratio, but it started in 2005 and this will be season 32.

Having him as a guest on Rick & Morty I accepted, having him be the center point of a Simpsons episode and repeatedly referring to him as the greatest engineer ever was just painful.

I figured that was why she supersized her chest then wore a too-small dress so they’d keep popping out.

That’s what I figured, but I wasn’t sure if taking a side in a conflict opened up anything for someone giving aid to the opposing side.

I know this is really going to the extreme with a question, but since we’re backing Ukraine in their war is there any way this would open Elon up to the possibility of a treason charge for aiding Russia in the conflict?

The fog machine was in her mouth? I guess since she is a hooker we shouldn’t be surprised at the weird things that are in there.

Is he trying to copy the Tony Stark facial hair and like everything else just failing instead?

That’s just absurd. Everyone knows, as the old saying goes, the two happiest days in a sailor’s life are the day he buys a butthole and the day he sells it.

They figured out early on that idiots will subscribe with just the hopes of good classic rpgs being released like they said would happen when they switched to the new setup. Now they have no incentive to actually do it.

Is it possible the date is and like usual she is just taking credit for something someone else does? I saw a post online that the guy she is with is a bar owner and a registered Democrat, so that had to be a fun escort.. I mean date.

As far as 3, I’m guessing that procedure happened recently and she doesn’t know how to properly keep them in yet. Or she knows how to and chose not to because she wanted to show off her new toys.

I think my favorite part is Candace saying she hopes this is the last we hear from the woman. No one made Candace watch her interview, no one made Candace write an article about the interview.

Even though the interview was supposed to drum up sympathy, Featherman’s actions aren’t justifiable by any means.

I found him entertaining on Damages despite the fact I found the show itself rather hit or miss. I got a kick out of him as the perverted lawyer on Weeds even though that season was garbage.

They only post updates if the new comments will help their original claims, don’t ever expect this site to post corrections or admit they fell for another fraud.

If they can’t be bothered to get real journalists they sure aren’t gonna get copy editors or assignment editors.

Yeah, this is definitely a situation where both things can be true. Hauling him in was ridiculous and federal lawsuits for civil rights violations are also ridiculous.

They need something to cover the bills until the settlement offer comes in for violating his constitutional rights.. or something.

The constitutional right to piss in a parking lot?

He said he identifies as human, not as Black or white. He says he’s proud of both his parents but he clearly chooses not to identify as Black or white. You and Noah seem to be the only ones mischaracterizing anything here by calling him a Black coach when he clearly doesn’t choose to identify as Black but solely as