
Multiple articles in the past 30 days where you reported someone dead and within 24 hours had to report them as actually being alive. Maybe start waiting until you have actual verification rather than rushing so you can get a couple more clicks?

The teen’s attorney claimed she acted in self-defense but prosecutors wanted to know why she was the only one to show up to a fistfight with a knife.

Saying the death was over the sauce and seeming like they want to portray the girl that got stabbed as some innocent victim really is a bit much considering the whole beat down that they gloss over.

One of the most hilarious things is going through feeds now and I’ll see 5-6 Cheech & Chong edibles ads in a row day after day after day. Between that and ads for shitty games it’s all they have left.

Kalyn is a fucking terrible “writer”. She has to keep rehashing this because it draws clicks.

I told you I was just trying to find my misplaced phone.

I got a comment dismissed by one of the people claiming it didn't say he was the only one because I pasted the original text. They're as bad as the author that refuses to acknowledge her mistake.

That was updated like 5 minutes ago.

And they really want to gloss over the fact that Oher tried to extort the family for 15m when his football money started to run out.

The fact that the article itself doesn’t make sense is my second favorite part. My favorite part is they had to rewrite the headline because it was originally in ebonics.

He also happens to be the only Black defendant in the sprawling RICO indictment.

He also happens to be the only Black defendant in the sprawling RICO indictment.

Yeah the article mentions it at least but really seems to act like the fact that this guy assaulted a federal agent isn’t a reason bond would be denied. This isn’t about race this is because the rest of the Fulton crew is crazy but haven’t physically assaulted federal agents. That’s an easy way for a judge to deny

Obviously Indiana Jones is one of the Blackest movies of the year.

That really does read more like wonky AI than the usual G/O shitty writing that never got proofread.

This article is missing too much information for me to form an opinion.

Nice try, obviously that’s a human in a giraffe costume.

Overly generous giving her the benefit of the doubt when she has shown time and time again she’s just not that bright.

Slow news day?

A few of the writers here have found "updates" help fill their quota and get more clicks even when nothing new of note is added.