Judgmental Chickens

This is Mr. Sparkles. He looks very sweet, but he’s a biter.

We are located just south of of the fires and it has been a really rough week. The air quality is currently listed as hazardous, and schools cancelled all outdoor activities for the week. They finally made the call to cancel school for today in our county and many surrounding counties.

Mnuchin is terrible, but he helped bring Wonder Woman to the screen. Shkreli has nothing to recommend him.

Did a post go up for Outlander? Did I miss it?

She is very active on Twitter. Twinja is a many varied thing, and can be very fun!

Ha! I have to do lesson planning today. Teaching summer school sucks!

I was unaware of this movie (!) and I’ve just downloaded to watch on the plane next weekend!!!

I have been waiting for this movie since the first trailer!

I’m currently teaching a group of 5th grade newcomers (less than a year in the US) and most of them have better grammar skills than our president. It is embarrassing.

Well, then I have insufficient interest in purchasing said Monopoly set.

Yay! Class of ‘98 here!

The day after the election I arrived at school and saw two students corner a Latino student and tell him that he was going to have to go back to Mexico now that Trump was in charge. It was so disheartening.

The Kadin book was my first foray into her work and oh my!

This looks very good!

This comment is why I like you.

I love this man so much! I bought his book for my classroom, and I can’t wait to “introduce” him to to my students!

We went to both parks in Florida- it was so crowded that we couldn’t move and didn’t actually get to go on any rides, but it was still an amazing day! We went to Ollivanders, rode the Hogwarts Express, drank butterbeer, saw a fire breathing dragon, and just experienced the joy that is HP!

As Mr. Rogers said- look for the helpers. This type of event is so horrifying, but knowing that there are people helping gives me hope.

Mine does the same. I didn’t get anything too interesting in mine, but I bought some great stuff!

are you me?! I’ve been saying that the holiday shapes are vastly superior for years! I recently discovered the mini eggs, and those are fucking amazing as well! We chop ours up and cut them into ice cream a la Cold Stone. So good!