
Jay Smooth said Beyonce is Morris Day and Jay-Z was Jerome. This .gif is definitive proof of that.

I starred this in the other article too. I’ll likely star it every single time I see it, cause your point will always be a relevant one.

A put this in the other article, but I’ll put it here too.

Well it’s a sunny day... I feel brand new...

There’s one line from one episode of Peep (“I shall call you....Plurp”) that we still trot out now and again to much giggling.

My son (10 now) had a “Peep and the Wide World” birthday party when he was 4 still one of my favorites. Now we’re arguing over why he can’t have Airsoft guns and an iPhone.

My seven and ten-year-olds are completely devoted to Youtube Kids now, and rarely even glance at the TV screen. Meanwhile, I haven’t been able to bring myself to clear Pocoyo or Yo Gabba Gabba off the DVR, just in case they somehow change their minds.

Sounds like you managed to dodge watching Caillou, you lucky bastard.

for the record, the chromebook is my travel laptop. it costs like six dollars and does everything my macbook pro does. in fact, here is a pic of my chromebook and i partaking in our favorite activity.

The friend zone, much like the cake, is a lie.

I just wanted to chime in on the friend zone thing Preston mentioned. If you complain that a girl put you in the “friend zone”, that’s you thinking life works like a John Hughes movie. Tell a woman you’re interested in her. Don’t hope that she’ll someday realize what a great guy you are. Be direct, and don’t be a

To be clear: almost nobody watches things live anymore

NBCUniversal should’ve taken Syfy to a streaming business model by now. Their target audience are the first ones to cut the cord, so why would they do a first-run live deal for an epic space show? 

It’s also on basic cable, which is a total shitshow. I watched the third season premiere, and there were commercial breaks every five minutes. Ultimately I decided it was worth my while to buy a season pass off iTunes and binge the thing once it was over.

Making mountains out of molehills is the point of the internet. That and porn. Also right wing lies.

Cmon Baggy...ska is black music...or it was. Don’t let him off.

Oh I know that. But for most people, third-wave Ska is Ska

Ska is originally Jamaican. Bob Marley was in a ska band before reggae developed IIRC.

I don’t “talk black,” and I listen to rock, and punk and...Ska.

“I think you can be pro-black with a white person on your arm.”