
We are a country addicted to nostalgia, but with no regard for history. Nostalgia is history without moral reckoning; it keeps people pining for golden eras that never existed and anticipating a future that will never materialize.

So you’re saying that as far as YouTube Red shows go, this is the best around?

If you look at their faces you will notice very clear distinctions between all of them

This comment wins.

“medieval Mountain Dew” - the greatest grouping of words I’ve heard in 2018 so far.

Stupid sexy Geralt...

I hate this (I mean the concept, the modelling itself is fantastic). Geralt is supposed to be a gross, squirrely, gangly looking cat man who probably smells like medieval Mountain Dew. His getting hotter in old age actually makes sense from a narrative perspective as a metaphor for the way he’s moving away from his

I will never tire of this GIF.

According to the Wikipedia entry, he does have abilities: mild gymnastics and knowledge of mystical creatures. So I guess he’s Newt Scamander, just an earlier incarnation along his multiversal journey.

“Yub nub” closest possible translation is “tonight we dine on manflesh.” True story.

.... I had the exact same thought.

I hope he can at least make it to the end. Poor dummy looks like someone’s unemployed step-dad who’s just looking for a job to pay the bills.

I hope he can at least make it to the end. Poor dummy looks like someone’s unemployed step-dad who’s just looking for a job to pay the bills.

Animation is a bit different when it comes to Voice Acting (Not to say we are represented much in VA). The same is done in video games where you’ll have, for instance, TC Carson playing Kratos from God of War. The ISSUE with THIS mother fucker is the stupid ass shit he saying. How the FUCK does you living in motels

Little T? I’m gonna go ahead and assume the T stands for ‘toolbox’.

Anyone who buttons the top button on a short sleeve collared shirt needs to be put in a mental institution.

Too be fair, the Cortez kids are played by an Ashley and a ginger.

I have no idea what is going on anymore.

Oh sweetie...the stories I can tell you. And no matter how many I retell, you’ll say 5, 10, 20 guys doesn’t prove all guys are bad. So I’m not even going to start with you.