
My family’s set is currently in possession of my brother, and while it’s very beaten, it is treasured. This looks like a great reboot!

Were you under the impression that well adjusted people chose to study psychology?

Can confirm. I am a psychologist with my PhD. I tend to get very salty, though not abusive, while playing overwatch.

I’ve found that medical professionals of any sort are often in the biggest denial about their own habits and behaviors. Psychologists calling everyone else out but denying their own daddy issues. Nurses smoking three packs a day and drinking like fishes.

It doesn’t... for you.

Absolutely. They talk to us like we’re “others” and not just people. My boyfriend (who is half black and half chilean) has this happen to him a lot and hates it. One example he gave a long time ago sticks with me: he goes to Trader Joe’s often & a white guy that works the register there always calls him “brotha.” He’s

Theres nothing more offensive than people who try way too hard to be inoffensive, because they talk to you as if they expect you to immediately get indignant and aggressive by virtue of being a POC.

Love to! For the record, I’m a non-black latina.

“They say things, specific things, to prove they’re totally not racist (and they end up saying really dumb shit in the process).”

I also don’t have any white friends. I didn’t grow up with white people and never meshed with any at work or in college/law school. To this day, I feel super uncomfortable when I’m around a large group of them because they ALWAYS END UP DOING THE SAME SHIT.

When I inevitably see this movie, and the Iron Giant comes on screen, I’m going to turn to the person next to me, and say in a very loud whisper “That’s Chappy.”

“Many contemporary reviewers could do with beginning to understand not everything is necessarily intended for them personally”

This is really kind (perhaps too kind!) praise that I’ll try to live up to. My hope is that Kotaku can continue to take the time to really look at games and what they’re doing.

Thank you so much for this wonderful review. I had no interest in playing Metal Gear Survive, and honestly still don’t. But this review is one of the few times I’ve thought a game journalist scratched the surface of examining games in the same way other “art” is analyzed.

Thanks. This is a really nice comment that made me smile. I’m really grateful to Stephen for letting me have the extra time to really write something with a bit more detailed analysis.

Thank you for your excellent analysis and actual deference toward some the people who slogged to make this happen. THIS is what game journalism could/should be, not a laundry list of graphics/sound/gameplay, but a keen eye to observe even a bad game as an important cultural artifact.

Fonts aren’t small and illegible enough to truly be a Darkest Dungeon ripoff.

This is a long one, but true:

If rape is a regular feature of a book series then at some point doesn’t the repetition become a glorification?

More like Conan The Free Booty amirite?