
“It’s for when the execs call the white guy to say, ‘What exactly did Kenya mean there?,’ and to be reassured.”

You gotta be kidding me with The Mist right? I’ll spare you the defense since i can see a million people making it already so here’s a better choice for you. Knowing with Nic Cage. The secret code turns out to be monster demons who are actually from space but ACTUALLY actually goddamn angels taking kids to space eden?

it’s also certified by Stephen King himself - I’ve read that he wishes he thought of that ending!

Life was the worst. That dumb ending made me laugh so hard.

Tom Jane was the practical, reasonable guy surrounded by a bunch of crazy people going on blind faith. He got kicked out, and when confronted with a no-win scenario, he did the practical thing. Had he had a little faith, everyone would have lived.

It’s an emotional kneecapping and it’s one of the better twists in genre

Nope. You have The Mist in the wrong list - that ending is brutal, haunting and utterly chilling, and the film is all the better for it.

I think that was mainly a byproduct of the old EU’s obsession with explaining EVERYTHING. What were they in the movie? A neat detail on Han’s costume that Lucas was probably not even aware of. And then somebody made them into Corellian Blood Stripes that were awarded to Han for blah blah blah and were such a

Don’t get me wrong, there were things to not like in TLJ. But for the love of god, just watch 4-6 again if you want things to remain static.


This article just makes me mad all over again at all my friends who are so called Star Wars fans that bitched and moaned about this movie.

More devout communities are also likely to be the most isolated. When you don’t meet or interact with people of another race, ethnicity, or religion, you’re an easy mark for those who are spreading racist ideas.

I’m happy somebody relates to that, haha.

I will walk into a room on a mission, then spin around in confusion and promptly wander back out. At work, at home, all day long

Classifying gaming as an “addictive behavior,” the WHO explains that gaming disorder...

Yeah, Ferguson et al. are right. It’s the result of something else, such as depression or an obsessive or addictive personality. But those things are boring, and have already been addressed. Attaching it to gaming feels like a stunt.

You must be fun at parties...

Rob - I’m largely on the same page as you. Born in 1976, and Luke Skywalker is my hero.

They probably wish it was just like one of those boring-ass EU novels from the ‘90s.

Same, friend. I thought Ron and I had something, you know?

a) Seeing as how Ron Perlman just got all Old Man Yelling At Cloud re: John Oliver questioning Dustin Hoffman, I’m glad to focus on Harbour for awhile. He’s going to be great, no doubt.