
Go sit in the corner.

Life was absolutely the worst movie from last year.

(gloved) hand. Since I like all of the actors in Life, and I heard good reviews, (67% on RT, which is passable) I thought I would give it a try. LOL. That is the worst containment/quarantine situation I have ever seen. There quarantine is a single door? It isn’t internally pressurized? He’s letting an alien life

Yeah, calling that film awful is being generous.

Life was fucking God awful dude, thats why it wasnt a hit lol.

You know what scifi means right.....?

I’ve needed a nap for the past decade. Give me a blanket and a glass of milk and I’ll agree with you on anything.

It’s rare that a person truly understands why they were wrong, and is actually sorry for it.

At the risk of sounding weird, I love a good apology. Here’s what I did, here’s why it was wrong and here’s why it will never happen again—all with no typos and no excuses. Wonderful.

I swear, if I could’ve posted them all here, I would’ve. She’s my fave.

Not to mention Mozart’s Kickstarter had terrible backer rewards. Plus, he didn’t make the music for SKYRIM.

I know my inability to measure consequences just well enough to not have any social media accounts. If I rant in the bathroom to the cat, I don’t lose my job.

He’d be so much prettier if he smiled more.

A subtle jab at the homophobia in the black community?

“...the single aunt who lives with your other single aunt...”

I’m Mexican and American Indian and the first white thanksgiving dinner I went to I felt straight up cheated with the missing Mac and cheese + cornbread.


I haven’t been to white Thanksgiving, but I bet it SSUUUCCCKKKSS.

White guy; black wife. When we were dating I invited her and her kids over to Thanksgiving dinner. I was so proud I made a turkey, stuffing, potatoes and a few veggies.

I’ve been to Hispanic Thanksgiving for the past five years, and it’s basically all this. I feel like this is just “People of Color” Thanksgiving.